Monday, March 27, 2017

How to be a Hepburn in a Kardashian world The art of living with grace, class, style by Jordan Christy

How to be a Hepburn in a Kardashian world The art of living with grace, class, style by Jordan Christy  on bookstores and on Amazon this April 4 is a book plenty of modern smart advice for girls of all ages.

Starting with the premise that Jordan Christy was object of bullish when she was little and so she lived difficult years thanks to these nasty school companions, later she constructed a very successful life. A husband, children, a beautiful work.

Sure she felt often that she wasn't the first choice, but all the opposite. So if you feel the same sentiments this book is for you.

The book space from the perfect CV (curriculum vitae) the perfect job interview, and once found the job how to keep it, to other social aspects of life.

Love for example but also how to cultivate friends - and never let them go with tips and advice -, the best dress to wear, the so-called social media Etiquette, food, make-up, you can be sure that with this book you will create the perfect imagine of yourself and if you think that you are lacking somewhere Jordan Christy will support you! with her advice and her suggestions.

Beautiful and interesting book.

I thank NetGalley and FaithWords/Center Street for this book.

Anna Maria Polidori

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