200 Book Reviews Frequently Auto-Approved 2016 NetGalley Challenge Reviews Published Professional Reader

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Under the Mistletoe: A Christmas Short Story by J.Parker

Under the Mistletoe: A Christmas Short Story by J.Parker tells the story of a frustrated mom and wife.
Married from a lot of years with Todd, Grace feels she is abandoned by him and his love.
Grace remembers with melancholy the first years of their love when Todd was plenty of attention and loved to remarking with special gifts  and attentions his sentiments to her.
Who did he become now? A workaholic without any kind of attention for her.
And after all what Grace would want is just some attentions and something under the Christmas Tree.

Todd knows that her woman is not happy as she was in the past. He will prepare a big surprise to her with the help of a special person...

Beautiful and sunny romantic short book!

I downloaded the eBook on Amazon.

Anna Maria Polidori

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