200 Book Reviews Frequently Auto-Approved 2016 NetGalley Challenge Reviews Published Professional Reader

Monday, December 24, 2018

We build Our Homes by Laura Knowles

We build Our Homes by Laura Knowles
is a wonderful, beautifully illustrated children's books about the various houses created by animals.

Our house is a nest, a secure place where to return, and a place in grade to speak of our habits, our customs, our traditions. It's the passage of our existence, what we love, what we want to keep close to us; it defines us much better than anything else.

For animals is the same. In fact, we use expression like "Our nest, an empty nest" because we feel that connection; like the rest of  animals we are part of the place where we live in.

Each of the animals, humans included taken in consideration have a profound and marked soul and specific habits and modality for building their own houses.

Of course it is a story of environment where they live in, what they find around, and their nature.

Told using the first person, the narrator in each occasion will introduce the animal protagonist of the pages; we will open the doors of houses of a lot of birds, and then  bees, termites the one of a spider, weaver ants, gopher tortoise, meerkats, moles, polar bears! the so-called prairie dogs; we will visit the house of a harvest mice, the one of beavers, and so on.

They will explain to you and your children why they build their homes in a certain way; why they search for certain materials; what they expect from that house and why a house built in a certain way to them it is so important for growing up at the best their children.
They could search for warm; they could find materials outside, or like bees do, they build their house just by themselves, and it is a geometrical work, you will see.

Great book this one, funny, plenty of great informations I am sure that children will learn a lot. Adults as well.
There were some spieces of animals I still didn't know.

Highly recommended.

I thank NetGalley and Quarto for this ebook.

Anna Maria Polidori

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