Monday, December 31, 2018

Happiness Make Your Soul Smile by Katie Oman

Happiness Make Your Soul Smile by Katie Oman is a beautiful and
energetic self-help book published by John Hunt Publishing.

We need happiness.
Well, it's simple: it adds lightness to our days, to our existence.
We experience more "beatitude" we are more balanced, more secure of ourselves, more joyous, more ready for experiencing wonderful adventures, ready to launch ourselves in different projects, because there is a a certainty: we are the owner of our destiny.

Differently a lack of happiness, so unhappiness, uncertainty, lack of self-esteem means an internal block of all the possible development of the souls.
Why? Because you feel unsecurities, you feel that you can't have what others have, you feel that you can't achieve certain goals.

Thanks to Katie Oman, most of these problems will be sorted out, because Katie, starting from the consideration that happiness is a joyous experience and must absolutely be an integrant part of your exsistence will help you step-by-step to reach the perfect internal balance.

It will means to learn to say: no when we can't accomplish certain favors; it will mean to become more focused on yourself at first.

Katie will ask you to imagine what make you happy with a special list: she calls it

Things that Make me Happy.

We are all differents, so try this for focusing on the priorities you have left behind because of your family, your friends, work, social life and try to re-capture your essence, still there althouhg buried in the voices mentioned before, negative thoughts and more.

Try to stay positive searching for happiness. Every chapter of this book starts with a beautiful quote. I would suggest you of create a lot of post-it with all these wise saying adding them on your refrigerator or whatever you can read them often.
The importance of a good mind is a priority in fact. You musn't never forget that your thoughts create our person.

So: negative thoughts won't work OK for you. At first it will be difficult but slowly slowly you will learn (I did it, I spent miserable years; I didn't trust people anymore and I saw just negativity) that it is possible to re-adjust your mind and your thoughts.
Watch your favorite movies; detoxicate your mind with happy and cheerful experiences. Become a bit more selfish for being more happy.

It's the end of the year: Happy New Year everyone! And it would be nice as suggests Katie to create a jar where you will add written notes during this new year. What happens in a year are many moments, and msot of them, you will discover, also if little moments, need to be remembered because joyous.
They will also make the difference because you will remember the beauty of the year.
I experienced the jar on 2014 and it is still enchanting reading all these posts. If you don't keep a journal in fact maybe you can forget events, people, little moments...With a jar and your thoughts, and events, it will be impossible to forget!

An important and balanced life is also well spent eating well, sleeping sufficiently, working on your self-esteem and... Being more optimistic.
Common errors often committed are these ones: fear of changes, living in the past, putting yourself down; these conditions must be treated as will explain well Katie for setting free your internal happiness.
Imagine this: your happiness is in a cage because of your negative thoughts, your discouragement. You must break this existential condition, don't you think so?

Do you remember the last time you listened your favorite songs? No? It's time to create your playlist, suggests Katie.
The songs marked your existence, the ones in grade of bringing you relaxation and good memories; the ones speaking of a good past so that these old sensations will return as a wave and slowly you will rediscover again yourself.
There is nothing more powerful for changing in better the existence of a person, because old and beauty memories will return on the surface and it will be possible so, to work on a different level, remember always this.

We all live in a comfort zone it's normal. What does it happen if you break this habit? Would you be scared, happy, joyous, thrilled? You couldn't wait? Or are you terrorized? Whatever your sensations are, surely the comfort zone must be broken because a real existence means also adventures adventures and adventures. You will learn that you hadn't to prove any fear for that certain event, for meeting a person; for that appointment you wanted to procrastinate; you can't change in better your story if you keep yourself in a situation of immobilism, this is for sure.
Accept your emotions and live the moment.
There is not any serious growth if for a reason or another we refuse sufferance; at the same time remember of not putting in someone else's pocket the key of your happiness. You musn't be a robot in grade of controll everything, at the same time stop to compare yourself to other people and accept your history, unique.

Remember that for everything there is a solution and search for a real and constant happiness! This book is amazing and I am sure that you will be fine thanks to the joyous suggestions presented by Katie Oman.

Sometimes we don't understand what and where we should start for being back at a joyous happiness. With clarity, enthusiasm, and also because the same Katie experienced her own problems, you will learn how to work efficiently in the fields where it is more necessary and soon you will discover a more happy person in yourself: you will discover that no other one but just you are in control of your existence.

I thank John Hunt Publishing for the physical copy of this book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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