Sunday, December 02, 2018

A Fire Story by Brian Fies

A Fire Story, written and illustrated by author Brian Fies is amazingly shocking considering what happened also this year in California.

Global Warming helped by people not too educated who leave in the woods pieces of glass in grade to become real "bombs" of fires, create a point: California is burning and every tree burnt means less oxygen for the Planet and for the population without counting what happens to the population if in grade to run away as soon as possible in term of stress, in term of a new re-start, tragic, and never simple.

At the moment, an entire town of 27.000 people, Paradise, paradoxically became a real hell: destroyed weeks ago, like also localities chosen by the stars of Hollywood and rich people because beautiful locations where to living in.

In this new book by ABRAMS that will come soon the first account of what it meant in the Napa Valley Fire of last year to leave, if not forever, for a long while, the house where Brian Fies lived in; it will be necessary to re-build completely the home where people spent many years of their existence but at the same time everyone know that it won't have the same taste, because the place radically changed after the fire and it will take decades for seeing the lost scenario left behind and eaten by the fire restored as it was previously.

The story starts from an alarm and once the couple know that they must leave, what they want to keep and what they want to leave; a brief selection of the most important items of the existence made in a few minutes knowing that maybe all the rest left behind will be destroyed forever. Animals, some clothes, maybe the smart phone, some photo albums for not seeing destroyed all the existence also fixated in pictures; some special items.

Behind an entire existence of objects speaking of special moments that burning will become sweet and lost memories.

Sometimes there were precious items left alone in a  drawer and not immediately remembered because old more than 20-30 years; sometimes objects speaking to the soul but that couldn't accompany people who left the house rushing and searching, first of all to save their existence.

This account will introduce us, sometimes ironically, also the problematic of the "immediately after" reporting also an account of  many other people who, that October 9 2017 lost everything. Numbers are immense also in the big fire of the past year: 6.200 homes and 8.900 structures were destroyed.

This book was previously launched on the net and with great success.

I strongly recommend it to all of you, for trying to understand what it means to lose everything in a few seconds for re-build an existence ex novo.

I thank NetGalley and ABRAMS for this ebook.

Anna Maria Polidori

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