Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Almost a Full Moon by Hawksley Workman

What a tender little book is Almost a Full Moon.
Written by Hawksley Workman, illustrated by Jenise Eckwall, published by Tundra Books distributed by Penguin Random House Canada, this precious, tender, wonderfully structured children's book is dedicated as says the author at the granny because she "Encouraged me to see the little bits as magical and wonderful."
There is a little boy, who, with his dog return at his granny's cabin and his granny suggests him to help her to prepare a soup because "The weather is turning cold."
It's winter and it is snowing.
This children's book is warm, for the message that wants to spread: solidarity, friendship,  love, to my point of view.
Yes because the kid's granny at the end will prepare the soup for everyone else, because "Everyone feels the cold" and also "We'll make enough to feed everyone we don't."
During the short tale wonderfully illustrated, the arrival of other people, friends and neighbors and it will be a great feast with colored balloons and joy and songs and happiness because staying together the best recipe for a good life.
At the end everyone will return home, at least there is  Almost a full moon :-) and...some snow but after all it's a winter-night what could we pretend?
The little kid and his dog so go to bed, happy and satisfied for the great time spent with old and new friends while the granny, lighting a candle read a book sat on his chair, relaxing her mind before to go to bed. Oh, this little children's book is superb.
Please go for this little book for your children. Present to them a dream of the life as it should be and as it was and still it is in some corner of the world,  plenty of solidarity, love for neighbors and friends and also for strangers.

It's a great gift for Christmas as well!

I thank NetGalley for this book!

Anna Maria Polidori

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