Thursday, January 18, 2018

Anne of Green Gables A Graphic Novel adapted by Mariah Marsden and illustrated by Brenna Thummler

What a beautiful and sunny book is Anne of Green Gables A Graphic Novel adapted by Mariah Marsden and illustrated by Brenna Thummler. Published by Andrews McMeel Publishing the book is dedicated to Lucy Maud Montgomery "who reminds us that nothing is more powerful than a girl with an imagination."

The magic of the story is completely captured thanks to wonderful illustrations, captivating dialogues and a new dynamic perspective of Anne Shirley's story.

This one is the first graphic novel about Anne of Green Gables and I am more than sure that it will be in grade to capture new and old readers. It can be suggested to people in love for this genre as well, and it is a precious gift.

Anne Shirley is a girl who lived, when the story starts, in an orphanage, but very happy now because someone requested her at Prince Edward Island.

Her life has been populated by a lot of misadventures.

She lost her parents when very little, and Mrs Thomas the housekeeper of family Shirley, Anne's parents were both teachers, decided to grow her up with her own children in change of some help.
Mr. Thomas was an alcoholist and Anne for trying to protect herself, her happiness and joy invented an invisible friend with which she could talk when too stressed; unfortunately mr.Thomas died abruptly and for Anne starts a new adventure at Mr.Hammond's house plenty of children and work and a new invisible friend.
Mr. Hammond will also die for a heart attack and Anne's destiny this time was an orphanage.

This one a great occasion for living in a real family and for finding her place in the world.

Marilla and Matthew Cuthberg didn't wait for a girl but for a boy in grade of helping them in the fields and other hard domestic works in their farm Green Gables.

The arrival of Anne will bring a big turmoil. The girl feels again of being refused because the Cuthbergs didn't want her but a boy, neighbors didn't salute her with enthusiasm, what a mess.

Matthew, touched by the profundity of this girl, by her soul, speaks with Marilla and asks her of keeping Anne although it will mean to him to continue all alone the hard work in the fields.
Marilla is touched as well by the moving story of Anne and decides of keeping the girl.

The story continues portraying the beautiful adventures of Anne, vivacious, sometimes messy but asbolutely intellectually honest, at the Cuthbergs.
School, friendship, discussions, love, Anne has her own character but she is a devoted girl as well.
A girl who, in a moment of sadness will also be in grade to take important decisions for herself and other ones considering also the spirit of gratitude Anne feels for her new family.

Sunny, beautiful I suggest this edition of Anne of Green Gables to everyone. A fresh reading with Anne in grade to speak to the heart of every person as only Anne is in grade to do. From one of the latest dialogues, after Matthew's death and the proposal of Marilla of selling Green Gables, Anne will tell her:
"I am home now, in the place I love...I mean to prove it to you with my happiness every day with you, Marilla. It's not a sacrifice. My ambition has just changed. I am going to make you happy Marilla. I imagine those are pretty wonderful ambitions..."

I thank so much Andrews McMeel Publishing for the physical copy of this enchanting book! and NetGalley where at first  I requested it. I tried a lot of times but it was impossible to download it.

Anna Maria Polidori

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