Are you planning a vacation to London and you don't know what to see apart Buckingham Palace, Saint Paul Cathedral and some other famous locations suggested in a common touristic guide?
Don't desperate: bring with you London Curiosities The Capital’s Odd and Obscure, Weird and Wonderful Places written by John Wade and published by Pen & Sword and once you will return home you will have wagons of pictures to share with your friends, and many interesting anecdotes and places that you will have visited and other tourists, unfortunately...no!
London is one of the most obscure, curious city of the world. Apparently it seems like another European capital but looking better, leaving the surface alone, it's a city hiding a lot of secrets and hidden spots. Being also pretty old (it was a Roman and catholic city in the past) remains are many.
So: if you have available time, if you are curious, and you don't want to lose anything, if you think that common tourism can be boring, start to search for this London plenty of curiosities, histories and facts.
Your friends will be so surprised, because close to the most common pictures taken close to Buckingham Palace you will also live the real London's story. And what a story this city will whisper to you in a fascinating way.
Are you ready for this trip?
OK: there are some remains of a very big, huge post office, the so-called Britain’s General Post Office headquarters. St Martin’s Le Grand the area. It was a so big monument later completely destroyed but you still can find some beautiful remains.
Curious to see where most people fell sick because of cholera in the remote past? Of course, you are!
People in the past didn't imagine that cholera was transmitted via water and so they searched for a miraculous pump in grade to keep them healthy and once discovered it they declared that there wasn't another water as good as this one. The fact was, ahem that they all fell sick thanks to that water and they died.
You will see a replica of the pump located in Broadwick Street in Soho. The original one is in a pub so later, you can stop by there for a beer, and another pic with the original pump.
Have you got nose?
Good, you will want to search for some installation of noses, 35 in total on walls...
If you have some children in love for tanks don't forget to visit the Russian Tank in South London.
Do you want to see the last kilt in London? You will discover it like you can admire the first Metropolitan Drinking Fountain.
If you love houses don't miss the Narrowest one! the oldest, or the littlest police station of the city or the littlest building of the city. Wait, you, wait: smile! Yes: great pic!
Ok, now let's enjoy one of the few medieval building that you can still see: the Winchester Palace Rose Window.
Did you read The Old Curiosity Shop by Dickens? Don't you remember? Yes? Maybe? OK, it's fine there is not a correct answer, relax. The shop realistically exists and you can visit it although it doesn't sell any curiosities or postcards or souvenirs. Sorry.
You will find also a plaque from the Embassy of Texas somewhere, can you believe it?
If you love to visit cemeteries, don't miss the London Necropolis Railway. Singular story for a very important cemetery.
OK, move on now.
You can't lose this visit: the one at the church of St Peter because of the three devils wanted by the architect because of the problems caused by the vicar during the building of the church, eheheh.
Now, let's go in fascinating places for discovering Windmills and also the largest clock of London and then let's search for The Queen of Time, better not upset Her, and well don't forget Greenwich’s 24-Hour Clock and Time Ball.
London's tunnels are important, it's the fifth essence of that city, like also the so-called lost rivers. The one of Fleet Street emblematic. Remember: take pictures. There, lived Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street.
Try to visit parks with special attractions. Don't forget memorials and find the one dedicated at Oscar Wilde. It's impressively beauty! Like the one dedicated to Churchill and Roosevelt.
A visit at the house of Samuel Johnson, lexicographer, writer, poet, the one who wrote A Dictionary of the English Language indispensable like the homage at the statue of his cat sat on the dictionary.
Now: let's try to discover the Mayflower...Pilgrims, Massachusetts, 1621.
The lost locations are fascinating like The Bell Gate Tower, but there are also many Roman remains.
Your snickers are gone I see but you enjoyed this visit.
Oh yes: a great vacation. Hoping in good weather, close to you this book, you won't get lost and you will find a lot of wonderful and uncommon places to visit!
I thank Pen and Sword and NetGalley for this eBook.
Anna Maria Polidori