Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Gracious A practical primer on charm, tact, and unsinkable strength by Kelly William Brown

Do you want to live a happy, relaxing, satisfying, honorable internet life, avoiding all the stress that trolls can bring to you, being also able to cope with all the nasty and frustrating people who wait just to go online for exploding there all their frustrations, if they of course disconnect sometimes? And are you interested also to spend a great, good, peaceful quality life in a daily base, in your environment, home, work?

Great: so, Gracious  A practical primer on charm, tact, and unsinkable strength by Kelly William Brown published by Rodale Books is the answers to all your torments.

This book will explain you how to be gracious in all these occasions and more.
William Brown searched for the Best part of the Society asking to the most diversified people how they do it. How they can be gracious in a society so ungracious like this one is.

A person with grace, someone gracious is a complete person because this word pretty old from the pre-sanskrit involve charm, social, physical and emotional world.
Being a good person, someone kind, makes the difference.

But in our society remark William Brown being gracious seems like to be "less" because we can lose freedom and progress we have developed.

Thinking better being gracious is extremely good. People would want to see you around. Someone normal, someone with ethic, someone you can trust. Priceless.

In Virtually Gracious a chapter of this book you will discover how to navigate through the net without falsity, arrogance and there are tips and suggestions for every case, also when you write an e-mail.

The third chapter is Grace Under Fire.
It's simple to be gracious in normal conditions, but what happen when there are stressing conditions close to us that can let us change the cards on the table?
Can we continue to be gracious and how?
Don't worry: it will be possible thanks to the great suggestions William Brown the author of this bubbling book will give us all.
From work to relationship with your dear ones tips and suggestions for sorting out your life successfully and with extreme...grace.

It's also important to be Gracious to Ourselves and in chapter four of the book many exercises to being gracious with ourselves.

The fifth chapter involves our most direct environment: the house where we live in.
Gracious in, around and generally regarding the home.

A warm house should have always these characteristics writes the author: welcoming, cared for, tidy, comfortable, lived in and full of interesting things, avoiding: spotless, minimalist, sterile, intimidating, hoardery, sticky, oppressively pinterest-y. Advice for your house and yourself and for discovering a wonderful environment, gracious, where to live in, in perfect...grace.

Chapter six: The gracious host and hosted.

It's great to invite all the world at our home but how to do that?

The author says that the two main things substantially important when hosting people are two: our joy and happiness that they come over and less romantic, a functioning toilet.

Try to avoid any conflicts, choosing people who you know can have great conversation together and that can let you also feel comfy.

And avoid certain topics: policy, religion, body, no one wants to talk of his/her body.

Ask interesting questions and be curious of hearing the answers.

Try to avoid to enter too much in details if you are not interested in certain topics. If they tell you that someone died just reply: "I am so sorry, how awful to hear that" but don't ask: "What happened?"

It's important to serve people quickly.

If you host a lover  William Brown suggests a great and "light" dish eheheh like carbonara.

Chapter seven: let's make this day gracious, as heck!

Let's try to be elegant inside and outside, in our proposals, like also in our appearance to the world so that everyone can say: how gracious is that girl or that lady. We can also be gracious while driving.
We can be gracious everywhere and we can be good everytime.

What at first I loved so badly of this book was the cover, but I can tell you, when I saw the electronic copy of the book, I also fell in love for the inside. It's a beautiful book, researched with a touch of past that you will love so badly.
The structure and the language are pretty modern and bubbling.

Highly recommended.

Anna Maria Polidori

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