Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Le Spedizioni Polari by Valérie Masson-Delmotte Gérard Jugie and illustrated by Yann Fastier

Le Spedizioni Polari
by Valérie Masson-Delmotte Gérard Jugie  and illustrated by Yann Fastier is a free ebook downloadable at the website of Dedalo, italian publishing house during these days of lockdown. Firstly published by Le Pommier, this one is a genial, nice, but absolutely fascinating excursus in the North and South Pole of our Planet, thanks to the questions of two children, Guido and Laura. Thanks to one of the responsible of the center that they had previously visited with their school, mr Gelato will explain them the main differences between the North and South Pole, what the Antarctic base is doing; animals and differences between the Poles and what it would happen if all that water, under the shape of ice one day would be gone, returning to be water.
It is a real scientific disgression this one, pretty interesting and with an experiment that you can do at home as well!

Beautiful highly recommended.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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