Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Coronavirus A book for children by Elizabeth Jenner, Kate Wilson & Nia Roberts Consultant: Professor Graham Medley

Coronavirus A book for children by Elizabeth Jenner, Kate Wilson & Nia Roberts Consultant: Professor Graham Medley P
rofessor of Infectious Disease Modelling, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Illustrated by Axel Scheffler published by Nosy Crow is a new ebook, completely free, if you want to download it, that will speak directly to the littlest ones of the population, our dear children. We discovered in recent times that in some part of the world the Covid-19 has been not just nasty but mortal with some little babies and kids. For this reason, it is crucial an approach as much as possible serene but at the same time punctual with, maybe, the most intelligent people of our Planet: children.

At first there is an explanation regarding the meaning of germs, viruses, and the modality of catching some of them, telling to the children also the name of the new mortal virus: Covid-19.
Modality of transmission the second phase analyze with beautiful and fresh approach, illustrations by the authors and illustrator. Don't touch your face, mouth, stay distant from the rest of other people because droplets are the main cause for the transmission of the infection; this modality is pretty powerful. That's why social distance, and no other contacts apart the family where a person live in, in lockdown, is so important.
This virus, althougyh nasty is pretty social; so if we "kill" our social existence, the virus pretty bored and cruel can't enter in the body of people for starting to enjoy our cells and for causing big messes.

It's also important cleaning handles and all possible surfaces because the virus stay there at long, but great news: the Covid-19 can be killed with alchol or bleach.
It is strongly important keeping clean hands in particular when we go out for some shopping.

When the Covid-19 enter in an organism symptoms are the most diversified ones. Being a new virus  we don't have any proper and strong answer against him but most of the population cope very well with it thanks to the antibodies that there are in our body. In other cases, frail people, or when antibodies, our soldiers, are not in grade of fighting him properly, people become seriously ill.
Once the illness over there are also antibodies about Covid-19 in the body.

In general, elderly, and people with some chronic illnesses are the osot susceptible ones of catching in a modality absolutely serious the Coronavirus. So, what to do? As suggest in the ebook stay at home kid, and speak with your grand-parents via phone or video-chat.

Scientists, considering the high social, economical impact of Covid-19 in the entire world are trying to discover as soon as possible a vaccine. Being Covid-19 a cousin of Sars, there are some basis, but at the same time, when hospitalized, people are treated with a mixed of medicines known in the past also for other illnesses.
A vaccine, when discovered will protect all the population from this nasty, horrible virus. As seen also with other illnesses, vaccines help greatly children against common illnesses like measle that could be, potentially another killer.

At the moment, explain the ebook, a lot of activities are closed for limiting the transmission of the virus, although other ones are open. Farmacies, doctors, nurses, work frantically for saving human lives. Other stores like alimentary and other sectors work for giving to us the necessary for a good living spent at home.

We organized an existence outside and not inside our house and so staying home sometimes mean boring time. If you as a kid feel this sensation speak with a teacher so that she can give you some advice.
Living all together is also an opportunity. You can play with your siblings, you can do gym with the rest of your family for staying healthy and for reduce stress and tensiond, you can ask to your parents of reading-aloud a book, you can watch a movie, cartoons; schoolworks will be a part of your daily routine as well. Be organized, so that everyday you'll have at a certain time several appointments, reading, schoolwork, gym, playing, watching on tv something etc.
Help your parents, being a little wise person, so without to be too much chaotic; they are working in smart-working at home.

It won't happen tomorrow. Not in a month, but after a long period and other fights, slowly, situation will return to the normality and you will hug again your grand-parents, your friends, and all the people you do love.
Just: be patient and when you will be a grown up man or woman you can tell this story: "When I was a kid there was a pandemic pneumonia and at long I lived with my siblings and parents, but do you know what? I really enjoyed that time spent together, and I still treasure it as the best one of my existence."
This one my personal wish for all of you.

Beautiful, informative ebook with wonderful illustrations.
Highly recommended.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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