Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Du Mond dans ta cuisine by Carole Saturno and Thomas Baas Recettes Pour Voyager Gourmand

Du Mond dans ta cuisine by Carole Saturno and Thomas Baas Recettes
Pour Voyager Gourmand is a new books released by Gallimard Jeunesse for helping children to understand the power, joy and also fun of food, introducing some of the most delicious, simple dishes existing in the world in this book.

Food is one of the most powerful tools that we have for understand other cultures and customs. In this book authors will make of food an international reason of knowledge. 

In some cases, when a recipe is sooo delicious, we can try it, also if our friends and connections eat it at million and million kilometers of distance from us. 

These dishes are extremely common in their own countries but France decided to hugging them all with extreme benevolence. 

Not all these dishes have great reputation in term of good health and healthy ingredients; one of these ones is the hamburger. 

Sure, the correct preparation of a hamburger, with healthier ingredients when ingredients are found at home because you have a garden where you have planted veggies etc will permit to taste a delicious meal much more healthy than not the one bought in a bar. Plus, you can add or remove ingredients you find too fat for you or your children, introducing more veggies.

Authors add that, sure if compared to french cuisine pretty articulated and fascinating, this one is a dish that doesn't give too many problems for its preparation. There is also the story behind the birth of the project wanted by the brothers  MacDonald and it is absolutely fascinating. 

This book continues with the recipe and history of Couscous, our, surprise! Torta Pasqualina, a typical italian recipe re-seen and re-read but for the rest the same one we make in Italy during the Easter's season, for ending with, yum! the banana bread. This one is also one of my favorite dish. Irresistable, and absolutely delicious, it's for all your family! 

This ecookbook dedicated to children will be a great joy, and they will want to try these recipes. It will be fun to cook or bake all together, but then remember: exercise!

Bonne confinement! Stay healthy.

I thank Gallimard Jeunesse for this ebook.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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