Wednesday, August 01, 2018

The New Localism How Cities can Thrive in the Age of Populism by Bruce Katz and Jeremy Nowak

The New Localism How Cities can Thrive in the Age of Populism by Bruce Katz and Jeremy Nowak a book published by Brookings Institution Press.
Extremely interesting and intriguing The New Localism was born after the last Second World War Conflict and its motto can be summoned in: Think Globally, Act Locally.

This book has been born after the election of President Donald Trump for being an answer to the advent of strong populism and rejection of political establishment.

Maybe it's better to focus on little realities. Maybe it's better to re-start from communities,  from little, or big urban realities where local governments, mayors, philanthropists could and should make the difference without to wait for the arrival of the central government for help. Minds in grade to fixing the problems of their own communities.

A dream?

No, in this book we will assist at a shockingly, beautiful, wonderful happy end!

The authors in fact, focus their attention on realities of wonderful cities that, thanks to beautiful minds, ethical, honest local administrators, philanthropists and mayors created stunning cities in grade to shining sometimes internationally, like in the case of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Copenhagen, Denmark. Other cities taken in consideration Kansas City, Missouri and so on.

The New Localism wants to be of course the answer to a central government sometimes too delusional.

The cities taken in consideration in this book adopted The New Localism  when in profound crisis, but thanks to new and bright, genial ideas, great proposals of beautiful minds of administrators, philanthropists in grade to looking forward for a best and more rich and fertile future for all their community, more work for their citizens, more chances and possibilities for youngsters, considering the constant rising of income inequality and the depression that the middle class is experiencing with less opportunities and more sacrifices in comparison with the decades before, they have been in grade, working hard and creating the best humus and strategic plans to resuscitate their realities from  the shadow where they fell in.

A wonderful book and a great reading for everyone.

Highly recommended.

I thank Eurospan for the physical copy of this book.

Anna Maria Polidori

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