Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Hope Jar Book One Free Extended Preview by Wanda E.Brunstetter

The Hope Jar Book One Free Extended Preview by Wanda E.Brunstetter  is another masterpiece of a story-teller in grade, each time, to touch the heart of readers in profundity.

The story starts with Sara Murray in Newark, New Jersey. This girl is 25 years and she lost her mother just few weeks ago. Sara doesn't know her mother's grand-parents, or other important members of her family like the name of her dad, because her mother has always kept secret, for herself, this part of her personal story.
Sara grew up, anyway, happily; maybe as it happens often, she didn't accept completely the new companion of her mother, the arrival of a brother, but her life is solid.
Sara found in a special place an important letter, where her mother revealed to her the name and last names of her grand-parents. So...She isn't alone in this world. She sends them a letter immediately. Arranging a visit...

Michelle lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a devastating life. She was abused by her parents when little, she, once abandoned that disgraceful family, tried to going on all alone; at the moment she lost her job and she needs to abandon another time the place where she is living in because she can't pay the rent anymore; her boyfriend, known just a month ago is an abusive guy...
What a messy life.

One day an elderly couple of Amish searching for their grand-daughter  meet along their way, Michelle.
"Are you Sara, for case?"

Michelle knows the reputation of Amish like their drastic choices of living without the latest technological devices, in an old-fashioned way and world, but, after all, who cares? Why not to tell to this couple an innocent lie? She doesn't have a place where to stay, she doesn't have, no, better, after all she hasn't never had a family, so why not to do that?
And she answers: yes. Yes, I am Sara.

What a dream to Michelle living for once a peaceful life, in a real bedroom, and in a house where calm, harmony, a simple life is in grade to restore a mind and body in constant stress.

Trust me, when I tell you that the peace, benevolence, good atmosphere, beautiful place, healthy work, presence of God, great food, beautiful companu, good and natural contacts with domestic animals discovered at the family of Sara's grand-parents makes the difference in the life of this girl.

I imagined the little things making the difference in the mind of Michelle, restoring her soul, like also a happy future in the Amish community.

You see, my reader, the terrible past of Michelle inspires great benevolence: of course she told a lie, a lot of lies, a series of unfortunate lies, but Michelle is desperate and these reassuring people are the best choice to her. She is interested to help them in a daily base, baking, cooking, cleaning up the stables of the animals.
I imagine the horror-family where she was born in, and I also try to imagine this girl in an harmonic family; a joy she hasn't never experienced.

And I think that everyone should be happy.

I can't stop to think that maybe in the next book this elderly couple also when they will discover the mountain of lies told by Michelle won't leave her alone but will help her, keeping her safe from the horrors of her past.
After all, Sara, will understand.


Highly, highly recommended!

I thank Netgalley and Barbour for this ebook.

Anna Maria Polidori

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