Tuesday, August 07, 2018

May I Quote you on That? A guide to Grammar&Usage by Stephen Spector

May I Quote you on That? A guide to Grammar&Usage by Stephen Spector published by Oxford University Press is a solid, funny, grammar book in grade to conquer everyone for sure.

Teachers can make the difference and mr.Spector is in grade through quotes of celebrities like Johnny Depp, Billy Crystal, Lady Gaga, Woody Allen, but also writers as Mark Twain and many others to explain us with great lightness and a joyous approach formal english and how to use it properly in every situation.

The approach with people can't be too informal if we don't know them well: if we speak or interact with someone important we must keep a decent distance and a different, more polite language.
Is it difficult?
No, if we follow the directions and advice of a passionate grammar teacher like Stephen Spector is. There is not another best book to me for learning a wonderful formal english than this one. I am a passionate of every book written by mr Spector, because thanks to him, it's simple and a pure pleasure to learn a language - I am italian and so my process of learning will continue forever -
Original approach, inclusive, passionate, intense and felt each lesson explains the rules of words, their best usage in modern formal english, history.
If you are a writer, a journalist, a student, a teacher, you should read this book, but...If you are single as well!
If you are looking for someone, remember that a good grammar is one of the most important qualities in a romantic partner.
People with a solid grammar knowledge are in grade to write beautiful romantic, passionate letters.

Highly recommended grammar book.

I thank Oxford University Press for the physical copy of this book.

Anna Maria Polidori

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