Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Minds Make Societies How Cognition Explains the World Humans Create by Pascal Boyer

Minds Make Societies How Cognition Explains the World Humans Create by Pascal Boyer published by Yale University Press, is a profound reflection about humanity, and the meaning of it, seeing in a kaleidoscope where nothing is left out, and "visualized,"observed thanks to the incorporation and integration of evolutionary biology, psychology, sociology and much more.
Definition of humanity, groups, ethnicity, political parties in grade to incorporate a lot of people "under their wings," social conditions and variants that can occur, situations of conflicts, religions; differences between  various situations that men experience choosing of embrace a religion or just asking for an advice at a religious specific character as a shaman can be; the born of religions for the soul as I would define the Hinduism and Buddhist ones, the meaning of information, crusades of every sorta of problems in grade to attract people causing conflicts and debates, their power and their lacks; the  junk culture permits to experience various kind of distortions in the beliefs and certainties of people.
The author will also analyzed the meaning of family, and the invention of modern western family as we know this little society, the various different typologies of families pretty diverse in the world, passing through the attraction of a man and a woman and how a man or a woman picks up a potential partner, defining also the domestic oppression that a woman can suffers at many levels.
The final chapters are dedicated to the cooperation between minds, asking in the final chapters if humans minds understand societies, in all their complexities.
Yes, because what it is real for us, and a certainty, for other societies not true because there are another systems of living and loving, thinking, creating an existing.

Beautiful, captivating reading, I couldn't put down this book.

I suggest this book to everyone interested to discover more about ourselves, our minds, why sometimes we act and reacts in certain ways, why sometimes we can't understand other ones, felt as enemies or "strangers"; but the most important aspect of this book it's that it will open a lot of chances and possibilities of inclusions thanks to a new modality of understanding of this world, minds, societies, human beings in a world always more projected to create a humanity close, peaceful, united, thanks also to its differences and diversities.

Highly recommended.

I thank Yale University Press for the physical copy of this book.

Anna Maria Polidori

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