Friday, May 11, 2018

Av'anti un'altro È proprio così facile scrivere? È proprio così facile fare il giornalista e restarci? L'eterna battaglia tra strafalcioni e consigli by Sandro Petrollini

Recently I discovered a book written by Sandro Petrollini called Av'anti un'altro È proprio così facile scrivere? È proprio così facile fare il giornalista e restarci? L'eterna battaglia tra strafalcioni e consigli published by Confraternita delle foglie.

It's a powerful book this one about our profession of reporters in Umbria, with our most hilarious errors, committed because we rush, because we don't pay sufficient attention, because after all we won't never be Hemingway and it's fine.

A reporter of an umbrian town, rural place, small city, writing for a little reality, a regional newsmagazine, the free press of his/her city probably won't never win the Pulitzer, but at the same time he/she will be a gem.
He/she won't be perfect but unique in her/his genre.

Last days an enthusiastic guy, sent me an e-mail: "Anna thanks, they published the piece about my art exhibit!"
I was writing a review. I was so glad to hearing from Alberto.
I replied.
"Did they publish the piece? I am so happy. Please send me the article I will post it on Twitter."
When I read it, oh! no....What the hell did I do? Poor Alberto, poor my readers! Did I mismatch plural with singular? I checked out the original file: horrible, yes, I did it, look...Oh God...After all these years? 15?
Bloody Hell!
I couldn't re-post on Twitter that piece :-(

Yes, it's difficult to be a good reporter and everytime it's a fight.

Interesting guide this one about the most common errors committed by us, how to avoid them and yes, I am writing this review in english because I can't do differently but I strongly hate when in an italian article I find english words.
I agree with the author.
I consider our language beautiful, musical and this fixation of putting english everywhere is absolutely out of place.
Let's remember that when we write we are read by young people but also by old ones and being understood by everyone is the goal that we  should reach.

Interviews, their importance and advices can be found in another section of this little great book.

At the end pills about journalism with quotes from the most important minds.

I leave you with some funny extracts from articles.

Highly recommended!

Anna Maria Polidori

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