Wednesday, January 04, 2017

365 Ways to Live Generously Simple Habits for a Life That's Good for You and for Others by Sharon Lipinski

365 Ways to Live Generously Simple Habits for a Life That's Good for You and for Others by Sharon Lipinski will be released this January 8th by Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd.
It's the story of a lady plenty of success born in a family with a mom very generous with everyone.Her mom, tells Sharon helped everyone in every possible ways and necessities, while the author grew up pretty selfish and without any kind of compassion for other human being.
Sharon doesn't know the reason why from a mom such generous she became at least someone so closed with other people. Maybe it was because of work, maybe it was because absorbed by a full-time job with zero private life and plenty of responsibilities. Sharon started to get up during the night with frequent panic attacks. Responsibilities, pressure was very high, she couldn't cope anymore with all of it: living in a system like that one, constantly under pressure and she decided to resign starting a more spiritual and real trip along the USA.

Once she met a man abandoned to himself with a very sad story behind. That man wouldn't have been invited tells he author to spend any minute at the house where he previously lived in with his dear ones, he was considered a sort of failure from his dear ones, and so Sharon invited this man for the Thanksgiving dinner in the closest place they would have found, and there she discovered what it meant to go out with a stranger that it is not anymore a stranger but a friend and someone with which you are able to establish a great and good connection thanks to his human story that it is after all also your human history because each of us is in this world for a certain purpose.
Not only: Sharon discovered how a little gesture of generosity like spending some time with a stranger since at few minutes before could mean the world to him.

The book is very captivating, because after this experience Sharon learned what it means to be generous with other people and now she wants to give to all of us the opportunity to change our mind, our body for becoming best people and for becoming great new generous helpers in this world.
Create your Best Life thought Generosity one of her motto.

I found the story touching and the entire book stimulating.
Change is possible just we must want it.

Buy it if you think to be a little Scrooge in every sense, and you will start a new real beautiful chapter in your life!

I thank NetGalley and  Llewellyn Publishing.

Anna Maria Polidori

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