200 Book Reviews Frequently Auto-Approved 2016 NetGalley Challenge Reviews Published Professional Reader

Thursday, August 25, 2016

The starling's song by B.L.Bruce

The starling's song poems by B.L.Bruce published by Black Swift Press are various poems about life and love.
I appreciated the delicacy of the imagines and life portrayed by the author. It is pretty uncommon in our times to find this touch, so soft, so delicate and to seeing nature in such a wonderful way as the author does.
I can tell you that reading this poems was relaxing.

The vision of the world of the poet is in fact the one of an enchanting land populated by beautiful animals like deer, owls, and then flowers and trees.
A bucolic aspect of the existence that I am sure will be truly appreciated by the readers.
Mostly there is a great delicacy in telling her personal feelings and sentiments.

I loved poem Tempest where the author thinks that our existence if compared to the one of stars is insignificant because terribly brief.
In another poem the author complains that she doesn't feel a great sentiment of motherhood.
I love Waiting because as in all the poems of Bruce there is something wild and ancestral.
Song is a homage at her dad. The authors sees a special bird: a robin. This robin appeared for saying her: Hi! and the poet so remembers her dad and the beauty of the time she shared with him. In another poem the author will return to speak of his dad and, this time the problems she lived with him in some phases of her existence.

In Collosus she is depressed but around her, although she doesn't see and feel life, everyone else are living including little animals like spiders and jays.

Disquiet is suggestive. Her love transfigured in petal of roses that she throws away. Everyday.
The poet thinks she is quiet, although she knows that her mind will return to be unquiet during the night because of this love...

Nights, glasses, animals, in particular deer, flowers, nature, are all thematic particularly loved by the poet.

Pulse speaks of suicide and comfort of someone close her, holding her hands.
She can feel his pulsations and she can feels life.
The scenario of this poem the wonderful Californian waters and the Golden Gate.
Picker is about life, aging and the magic of life leaving people. The couple compared at water and stone, maybe fertility, solidity, strength.
Bahìa so suggestive for the rich Mexican atmosphere captured by the poet. Evocative of an exotic place.
Hunger vice versa tells of resentment and stories never clarified with the partner.
In Innumerable the poet writes: "I am my mother's daughter, never having what we've given."
Salt a melancholic nostalgic poem about the departure of a love. The protagonist seeing this stranger,  returns with her mind at the old gestures of her beloved man.
Blood is about the donation of sexuality and in Repent the author would want to be free like a deer, without thoughts, without worries. Crescendo is a poem about the meaning and repetition of daily actions 'til we won't die.
Magpie the desperation for a wanted love, unwanted by the desired man.

Although some poems are hard for the themes treated, the author is able to speak to all hearts with great delicacy, enchantment and touching the soul of everyone with a poeticity absolutely wonderful and moving. Nature able to break the pains she feels and animals, flowers to donate her joy and happiness.

Truly beauty! Go for it. This book of poem is great.

I received this copy by the author of the book for a honest review.

Anna Maria Polidori

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