Americans trust God as their main entity and guidance.
In God We Trust there is written in dollars.
But...What is trust?
It's that feeling and condition able to give at a person a complete dignity and able to let express him/her all the best of qualities.
Trust is important and crucial for great and healthy relationship in every sectors of life: family, friends, organizations and nations.
Trust is the freedom to be who we want to be and to develop and to enrich our personal human experience at work, in the society, and in our family.
Trust is important at every level and we don't just trust at little levels. We trust nations, we trust thinking better also...the world!
I found truly interesting to read The 10 Laws of Trust: Building the Bonds That Make a Business Great by Joel Peterson with David A.Kaplan, published by AMACON BOOKS.

In economy what means to give trust?
To stop to control other people with too much pressure, ceding a measure of control to the other. This one is an important step because we decide of giving trust. At every level.
There are risks implied but as the author remarks it's better to risk giving trust at work, than to live paradoxical, sad experiences in opposite case.
Giving trust means also to enrich our diversified world to Peterson. Trust means earning it, repairing it, evaluating it.
Joel Peterson says that trust is "The operative system of a life well lived."
The more we trust, the more we are trusted.
At work trust is crucial because it increases altruism, growth, and it is positive for everyone's benefit.
Trust in general beat opportunism and selfish behavior because people are felt loved and appreciated at work.
High trust leaders obtains much more successful results than not the low trust leaders, diffident ones.
Groups created by low trust leaders will create selfish people and selfish groups, and these groups will suffer misery withing the ranks, affirms the Peterson in his book.
A lack of trust means litigations.
But so is there an answer?
To give trust, because in opposite case there is just ruin. Being diffident in fact creates unpleasant conditions at work and people can think that they can't go proud of their workplace considering that they're not trusted sufficiently.
Investing in trust, writes the author will create great and good fruits for sure.
In a big organization giving trust means to give to a worker three important words: character, competence and authority.
If we give importance to a person this person will work for us with more enthusiasm than if, in opposite case, abandoned at himself/herself.
It will be certain a betrayal in opposite case because we would leave people as in an abandoned ship without captain.
Mafia and low trust organization/relationships based more or less on the same factors: mafia means diffidence, danger, between the boss and the various affiliates, and same is in low trust organizations.
While power is a big force for low trust organizations where the boss is arrogant in most cases, in high trust organization surely power is still important but there are also other values, much more humans able to help the engine of the structure to stay healthy says the author.
The absence of trust is a certain betrayal and the first betrayal admit Peterson.
Another important factor in a healthy organization is the personal integrity of the various bosses.
It is important to have a good life, to live a good life and not just to be good people at work, but also outside for a leader.
And to care and appreciate the various workers in various ways. It's important to follow what a boss says and does because from his conduct we can understand if it's possible to trust him. An anchor of the ABC during a scandal said: "People will forgive you for not being the leader you want to be but never for not being the leader you claim to be."
Substantially it is true also this: that a boss will be in grade to influence the group and team of his workers with his example.
If the example is poor...
Then the Peterson starts to analyzes the various ten laws of trust.
The first one, sync words with action.
A leader should respect others and they should keep their words.
The second law: invest in respect.
It's important to respect every worker, remembering their birthdays, who they are, their names, their children, some anecdotes of their life. It's a sign of appreciation a modality for trying to understand if the worker is fine, if his life is OK, and a good way for create a contact and a connection.
Law 3: empower others.
Trusting means encouraging, empowering, giving satisfaction at work. High trust organization we speak of Google, we speak of big companies, able to treat their workers very well giving various bonus to their workers. I picked up FullContact. They pay an extra of 7500 dollars per year when a person goes in vacation at these conditions: you really must go somewhere, you must not check e-mails texts, or voice-messages.
Why trust is so important? Because an organization without trust is without control and because without trust people must suffocate their creativity.
Low-trust organizations are stressed like also their bosses because they must watch their back all the time for the fear that their workers could give their worst.
In a relaxed environment where trust is an indispensable condition people are happy and joyous, surely creative, and surely they will be able to enrich much more the structure where they're working for.
Trust, add the author means to plant a seed. A seed that needs to be nurtured with the time.
Another big error committed in low-trust organization is giving trust just at the so-considered "capable subjects" leaving alone the rest of the people, in complete shadow.
It's another big error this one affirms Peterson because of course this low-trust organization won't discover any new talent and talent of the workers not trusted will be lost.
Law 4: Measure what you want to achieve
Where, the seed of trust, can grow up healthy, without illness? Where there is no ambiguity.
It's important if a person is a leader to give trust and to specify clearly what expecting from the various workers.
Law 5: Create a common Dream
It will be important to focusing in practical, big dreams because the team must feel that they're working for something.
Law 6, crucial: Keeping everyone informed
A great leader will communicate informations with the workers.
In good and bad times. In low organization no one is clear. Workers says the author can't trust a leader if they don't tell them what it is going on.
Law 7: Embrace respectful conflict
In low- trust organization they're all stressed for trying to see how a conflict will be sorted out. In a healthy structure where trust given, the answer is different: not how, but thinking that abrasion, sometimes some creative abrasion as the author calls the conflict is the salt, heat and electricity of a workplace and it is indispensable.
Look how these two points of view completely different.
In the first case the person creates the conflict should return in the rank without any kind of possibility of dialogue or healthy confrontation. In the second case there is dialogue for trying to grow up together.
Peter Drucker said once. "Whenever you see a successful business someone once made a courageous decision."
Law 8: Show Humility
Big organizations go on healthy because they treasure any individual. In this case the author suggests to take frames of special moment all together with the workers or other artworks for remembering moments. Important also to thank everyone, each one for the work well done.
Law 9: strive for winning negotiation
Law 10: Proceed with care.
It was for sure great to read this book that I would want to suggest to everyone and not just at a niche of people for trying to understand the profound healthy mechanisms able to keep our world in a good state.
A big organization didn't become successful and continue to be successful for case. Behind that success there is a healthy team, thanks to inspired bosses and that people will give all together all the best for their beloved workplace.
Many thanks for sure to Netgalley for this book!
Anna Maria Polidori
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