200 Book Reviews Frequently Auto-Approved 2016 NetGalley Challenge Reviews Published Professional Reader

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Sweetness - Southern Recipes to Celebrate the Warmth, the Love, and the Blessings of a Full Life - by Christy Jordan

cover87238-mediumSweetness - Southern Recipes to Celebrate the Warmth, the Love, and the Blessings of a Full Life - by Christy Jordan will be released this Oct 4th by Workman Publishing Company.

One of the first books I picked up enthusiastically on Netgalley.

I visited later Jordan's blog Southern Plate and I receive her newsletter.

As you know I like American recipes - I am italian - thanks to an American family from the South that once lived here.
Every time there is a new book, a cookbook as well treating the topic of their robust food, I love to read it.
Southerner recipes, in particular baking are truly intriguing fascinating and tasting.

This book is delicious in every sense. Cover, illustrations, feelings put on it. Everything is precious and felt.

I loved the section of cookies, my favorite desserts :-) but you will remain enchanted also by all the rest of the book's sections.

You will find the most amazing baking treats existing on the face of this Earth and everyone in your family will be delighted of eating some of these wonderful recipes.

Christy at the beginning of the book shared with the readers her emotions, sensations in a felt introduction. Her happy childhood surrounded by her granny, her mom and other beloved relatives.

Her memories of the past and the idea to create a spectacular cook book remembering and honoring the old recipes of her family a priority to her.

Old-fashioned baking recipes, all adorable and most of them very known are now  in this book and they will wait for you this next October.

Rich of illustrations, this book will become thanks to the wonderful recipes you will find on it one of your favorites for sure.

These recipes are shared for presenting joyful moments to the families during their culinary most important, funny, and sunny moments.

As Christy wants to remember us, food is part of the History of a Family and this book wants to be the legacy left  by her family to her.
Christy continues to spread her memories of the good Southerner food she tasted once little with all of us.
Oh: and in the while don't forget to create memories...

I thank Netgalley for this joyous and sweet :-) book.

Anna Maria Polidori

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