200 Book Reviews Frequently Auto-Approved 2016 NetGalley Challenge Reviews Published Professional Reader

Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Christmas Angel Project by Melody Carson

The Christmas Angel cover91902-mediumProject by Melody Carson that will be published by Baker Publishing Books this Sept 6th is a truly inspiring book that, I am more than sure you will love so badly.

The story the one of Abby Wentworth. Abby is the center of a stimulating book club, with other four friends: Belinda, Cassidy, Grace and Louisa.

Different ladies for personal stories, background, age, they of course know each other, but let's put things in this way, Abby their main confident.

Abby knew all their pains, secrets, afflictions, and joys.

Some of them not close friends for sure, Abby was the cement to all of them and the one able to keep going the book club successfully.

Abby prepared to them four little angels ornaments for Christmas and for their Christmas Tree.

An appreciated gift she was sure. Abby shared this news with her hubby Clayton.

Each of these ornament would have also contained important messages for each of them...

Abby counted to give to her friends this gift as soon as possible but unfortunately she passed away in an abrupt way without to give to her friends the possibility of a proper elaboration of this loss.

As understood the four friends orphan of their biggest charismatic character and friend, thought: and now? What can we do? while they were enjoying the impressive Angel Christmas Ornament prepared for all of them by Abby.

They so decided to become Christmas Angels.

What does it mean?

Helping other people in need in the field where they have competence.

Without to spoil too much of this book, a reflection should start to interest our life as well: how can all of us become an Angel on Earth as for example was Abby, and how can we help others?

The main reflection that this book wants to put in evidence - and it is implied - is an invite to joining the beautiful angelic fellowship created by Louisa, Belinda, Grace and Cassidy for changing our little corner of the world with big or little actions for other people.

Another big questions in the book: How much do we know ourselves, our limits and our possibilities? How can we correct or change our life-style when we see that what we are doing is wrong?

This book is absolutely a great reading for Christmas cover91902-mediumbut also for other periods of the year to me and I strongly suggest you to read it or to present it as a gift for Christmas or for a special occasion at someone you love. A wonderful book for an Army of Angelical cover91902-mediumLadies in action for bettering the life of other people and their own life as well.

I thank Netgalley for this book!

Anna Maria Polidori

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