200 Book Reviews Frequently Auto-Approved 2016 NetGalley Challenge Reviews Published Professional Reader

Monday, November 23, 2020

L'Esecutore by Ariel Magnus

 L'Esecutore by

Ariel Magnus published by Guanda is shocking under many ways. 

This one is the story of Ricardo Klement better known as Adolf Eichmann the person who organized the mass deportation of Jewish in the concentration camps during the war.

I hadn't never read anything about Eichmann. In my mind there is Mengele, the evil of Auschwitz, that finger, that right, left, life or death, destiny for tons of deported human beings.

Unfortunately Eichmann wasn't immediately captured and escaped in Argentina, a place, thanks to Peron and Evita, pretty clement with these individuals.

It's absolutely shocking that people accused of crimes like these ones continued their existence as if it wouldn't never happened anything. 

The existence of this man was characterized by hallucinations; his dreams were agitated; he could not forget his assassinations just for fun, he couldn't forget how to be cruel also in his new common life; I was shocked when, opening the door at a girlfriend of jewish origins of his biggest son Klaus (for everyone Klement/Eichmann was the uncle of Klaus) he thought that he could kill the girl with simplicity for later burning the body so that nothing could be found. Pity that there were other people at home...

Eichmann didn't never develop common thoughts as a decent man has. No: his memories were only in the past; that past spent in serving Hitler and his demoniacal project: the complete extirpation from Earth of all people of Jewish origins and all the other ones, with problems, mentals or physicals.

One of these individuals, Gregor, maybe for remembering the old times, practiced abortions in Argentina. In the past, that one was the doctor who destroyed the existence of million of children practising "medical studies" on twins. Now, he decided that it was better to end the existences of babies before their arrival on Earth. 

What it is shocking is their cruelty, their thoughts. There is no traces of humanity.

In the cover of this book you see Eichmann with a tender rabbit, immediately killed in the water once the Polaroid was taken for not leaving LIVING witnesses of this picture.

This man like all the other men of Hitler in Argentina was working for building infrastructures. 

Eichmann  considered Argentinian people an inferior race. At some point he started some breeding of chickens, hens and rabbits but what scared me were his thoughts regarding the project, his comparison with the years spent in building camps where most people lost their existences...

His brain continued to repeat as a mantra what happened during the war. Every object, every place, every person reminded him his old existence and starting from these series of anedocts the writer tell this absurd existence with extreme profoundity. The writer has been immensely great entering in the criminal mind of this individual, remembering the hallucinating past but also his peaceless present. Drinking, to Eichmann was an activity useful and appreciated for removing from the mind what he saw; imagines of dead people, destroyed, burned, killed. But no, please, do not misunderstand: he didn't feel any kind of compassion for them. No, no: he was just sorry for himself; he wouldn't never have wanted to see with his eyes all that dead people; just this. Of course they had to be destroyed, but it was unpleasant to see the scenario in its reality. 

People were killed in a senseless way; also when a life was saved because after all that person didn't annoy too much, later Eichmann thought that he would have killed that X  person years ago because maybe now he/she is alive somewhere and completely free.

There is not, never, in any moment, a sensation that this individual could be called: man. Never. He tried, when captured of telling that being a soldier, he respected the orders given, but, you see, he wasn't a simple soldier; he was the so-called architect of the Holocaust, the responsible one for mass deportation, the creator of that system. No, not a common soldier.

What shocked me the most was that, at the end of a work-day, when lived in Germany and you knew what that work-day meant, just death, Eichmann loved to ask everyday to his autist of stopping the car somewhere before to return home for watching the sunset, because Eichmann thought that sunsets were beautiful, like dawns. Pity that a new dawn and a new sunset meant for wagons of people the end of their existence or a horrible calvary! 

Married, with four children, one born in Argentina, Eichmann had a distorted sexuality, exactly like the rest of his character. The wife has been portrayed like a pale character, a mere executor of the orders of her husband.

This guy is disgusting, deserved the end he did. Josef Mengele after the capture of Eichmann emigrated in another close and friendly country, Paraguay. A body was found close to a river, one day of 1979. The discovery that the John Doe of the situation  was the horrible Nazi of Auschwitz only 6 years later.

No one searched for sure for him.

Cruelty, simply, doesn't pay.

Highly recommended! for not forget, for remembering. Always.

I thank Guanda for the physical copy of the book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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