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Sunday, November 01, 2020

La Pancia Lo Sa Interpretare i Messaggi di Stomaco e Intestino per Vivere Meglio by Silvio Danese

 La Pancia Lo Sa Interpretare i Messaggi di Stomaco e Intestino per Vivere Meglio by Silvio Danese

was a book that intrigued me immediately, and when I received it it was a very pleasant surprise! An indispensible tool, manual for whoever, including the reviewer, who suffer of some intestinal disturbs.

Our belly is our second brain and sometimes it is more vivid, and more scaring than not our most common one. 

I know, and strongly know what it means an intestine happy and another one irritated. After all, problems in that organ are mainly caused by stress, bad alimentary reasons as remarked by the author, insufficient fruits or veggies, if you are happy or discontented; if you treat yourself and your body OK.

Some medicines can be a stress for our intestine and in particular antibiotics. 

But more than medicines, we are the only one remarks Silvio Danese that can make, seriously seriously the difference. If your intestine is particularly affected by irritations because of stress, let's semplify your existence. Simplify your days, treat yourself well, stay with people that make you happy, don't say yes all the time;have some fun, heath well, volunteer somewhere, and eat with joy and in harmony, slowly and appreciating every second.

Chewing, masticating slowly will also mean an intestine more efficient because less stressed and without air.

The author takes in consideration the problem of evacuation and different kind of constipation analyzing also the functions of pancreas and gall bladder for then defining the role of bacterium in the intestine and what to take for re-putting in good health our organ.

Milk, problems caused by this indispensible substance and how to sort out the problems another interesting chapter.

Gym, physical activity are indispensible for bettering the functionality of the intestine.

The final chapter is dedicated to anti-infammatory diets!

Great book, plenty of good advice for an intestine problem-free!

Highly recommended.

I thank Marsilio for rhe physical copu of this book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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