200 Book Reviews Frequently Auto-Approved 2016 NetGalley Challenge Reviews Published Professional Reader

Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Frida and Me Art, And One Woman’s Triumph Over PTSD by Nancy Eli Weintraub Maurx

Frida and Me

Art, And One Woman’s Triumph Over PTSD by Nancy Eli Weintraub Maurx is a book that you must read. It is shockingly...True and the soul's protagonist, without any kind of reticency will describe, write her sensations with a sincerity that it is simply disarming.

I received the first chapters via e-mail and I started to reading it with great attention.

This one is a real, real life-story, and the product of a terrible incident that the writer had had while leaving the locality where she was living for another destination; an incident that meant to her years of therapies, years of mental sufferances. This book has been written for being helpful to all the rest of people with big problematics and in search of an answer. 

Nancy was born in a jewish family; they lived in New Mexico, a corner of the world her mother, beautiful and born in the East Coast of the USA at first didn't appreciate a lot because she met there a different life-style from the formal and elegant existence she had in the East Coast. The couple tried to educate all their children religiously, but Nancy was different from the rest of her siblings. She missed Christmas, celebrated by her friends, and she didn't mind of being educated in a certain way. She wanted to study art and to go to Mexico at the age of 18. She met along her way a lot of no's but at the end she will decide for leaving her comfort zone going with a friend of her, Melinda in Mexico. After several months the idea of spending some time maybe also in Guatemala...And the end of the existence she knew and the beginning of a new and more tribulated one.

The discovery of Frida Khalo as an artist and the beginning of a rebirth, through art and self-discovery.

Highly recommended.

I thank the author for the first chapters of her book

Anna Maria Polidori 

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