Sunday, March 15, 2020

Popolo ed Elite Come ricostruire la fiducia nelle competenze

Popolo ed Elite Come
ricostruire la fiducia nelle competenze is a book arrived at the proper moment to my point of view. I haven't never seen my Italy united as in this moment of big danger for the entire country: the Coronarivus and the forced lockdown wanted by our Premier for trying to save as many people as possible.

This book starts reporting the political, social, economical condition of Italy and Europe in the past decades and the equilibrisms of Europe, the strenght of Germany, the weakness of Italy focusing on the years of the entrance of euros in the country. 
An interesting chapter is for sure the one of folk, elite and fake news. We are in the hands and our privacy, our moods, our taste, what we like, what we dislike, is, of few corporates, like Facebook, Instagram Twitter, and Google. These companies slowly slowly changed the behavior of people and trapped them into their own schemes, giving to each person what they loved the most, de fact, "killing" the personal curiosity of most of us.
Fake news are a big problem. It is not just a story of fake news if populism became a reality, remark the authors and I agree: Trump and all the other so-called strong men elected in the entire world emerged when economy became weak, and no one in the real elite, in the establishment was in grade of giving any answer to the problems of people: a good job, a good life's perspective, certainties. Dictators or "strong men" don't never appear for case. The State and the democracy in this case is profoundly sick would say Tocqueville. Didn't happen the same in France in 1789? French people decided of killing monarchy trusting Robespierre, a gentle and reassuring man who established the period of Terror.The net wasn't around. 
Sure, a big problem of the internet is the anonymity of a lot of people and surely the so-called haters.
A chapter is dedicated to the school and in this sense is taken in consideration the Emilio by Rousseau. Rousseau thought that a kid should receive an education proper at his/her entire person, not forming just the citizen, because the citizen is just a fraction of the entire whole of the person.
Said this and implied that school should adapt itself to individuals and never the opposite, an individual to a school, (it would be like to kill the soul of a person and his/her intelligence, originality and potentialities) there is an analyses of what it means algorythms with the example of of Daniel Black a cancer patient.

Interesting book, warmly recommended.

I thank Marsilio Editori for the physical copy of this book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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