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Tuesday, November 05, 2019

My Portable Paradise Transform your Life Through House Sitting by Abdiel Leroy

My Portable Paradise Transform your Life Through House Sitting
by Abdiel Leroy is absolutely a fascinating, spectacular book.
I am a sagittarius and the idea of travelling is a constant in my life. 
Can you imagine? There is an association called TrustedHousesitters.com providing this possibility. Leroy will write abundantly about the possibility of becoming an efficient house sitter.
Taking care of a house for a person who, for a reason or another can't do will be electrifying. The reasons why this eprson can't does it are the msot diversified: he/she/ is leaving for work for a week or two; he/she took a vacation; sometimes one of your obligation will be to feeding and taking good care of their beloved pets, dogs in particulars.
At the same time the house sitter will be in grade of explore another corner of the world, staying in a place that maybe in opposite case wouldn't never had the chance of visiting.
Leroy offers tips, tricks for avoiding common errors, for offering to you the best chance if you want to give a try this a try. I checked the website and I admit that it is absolutely attracting.
So: what are you still waiting? Be a house sitter, and you'll enjoy a quiet perennial vacation, in the most wonderful corners of the world and in most cases in stunning houses and locations.

Beautiful book. Highly recommended.

I thank Abdiel Leroy for the copy of this book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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