200 Book Reviews Frequently Auto-Approved 2016 NetGalley Challenge Reviews Published Professional Reader

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Ludwig Wittgenstein by Miles Hollingworth

Ludwig Wittgenstein by Miles
Hollingworth is an original biography of this beloved philosopher. Wittgenstein after the last war has been one of the most important listened philosophers although his existential life has been pretty particular under many ways.
This book is divided in five chapters: On the Spirit of a Man, Bograophy Versus Genius, Numbers Station When the Camera is on Us and Sex and the Last Stand.
The biographer is not interested in giving to his reader a biography like all the other ones written about a thinker, a man of letter, but following throughts, existentialist trajectories of this philosopher, he will be in grade of giving back to us a perfect painting of the man, and his ideas with, also all his contraditions. You will see and read the chapter about sex, and speculations about Wittgenstein's homosexuality. 
Wittgenstein worked mainly in the fields of logic, language, truth. 
Captivating and real. 
One of the best and original books I read during this year.

Highly recommended.

I thank Oxford University Press for the physical copy of this book.

Anna Maria Polidori

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