Saturday, November 16, 2019

Disrespectful Democracy The Psychology of Political Incivility by Emily Sydnor

Disrespectful Democracy The Psychology of Political Incivility by Emily Sydnor
published by Columbia University Press is a book that will let you think a lot.
This book substantially makes the point about a new trend from a certain point at this part that it is going on in policy: incivility.
I have seen also the old times, when there was respect, and when things "sounded" to go pretty well. From decades at this part, the electorate is pretty angry with their politicians and tones, in every possible way, in every platform, TV, internet, social medias included is becoming always more violent and intollerant. There are still people uninterested at the parossistic disrespect for every kind of institution, but most of them try all their best for writing attacking this or that candidates in social media; most of them for sharing their thoughts, for convincing others of what they did electing a certain person, and so on; they also love to sharing their ideas about important and warm thematic in the agenda of the President or premier of that country; some of them are activists, and they want to lett know to the rest of people the reasons why that person is not good, or vice versa the best one electorate could pick up.
But: which is the portrait of these people? 
"These people are not distubed by the presence of conflict around them, and even thrive in a high-conflict environment. Therefore, they will not shy away from disagreements in their personal social networks, nor from environments that will expose them in conflict between other people" writes the author.
Sure policy is changed during the last decades. 
The new escalation of populists leaders, or new parties with new younger leaders established a communicative approach more immediate, more frank, sometimes rude, and respect slowly has been demolished; disrespect started to become and it is the main coin of this aggressive historical moment. 
The electorate, tired, very tired, in this sense is following their leaders and what they tend to see in their behavior, imitating them in their good and bad actions; they think like them, they act like them. This one the limit and the danger of this new policy. 
In the book the analysis of social medias and asperity created by the internet.

While I was reading this book I thought with a certain worry where this incivility will bring the world if the trend won't change. 

An interesting appendix at the end of the book  can let you see how mrs Sydnor works, testing people regarding incivility, conflict orientation and different behavioral reacton through various surveys. I found also that section pretty stimulating and interesting.

Highly recommended.

I thank Columbia University Press for the physical copy of this book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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