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Friday, November 08, 2019

Lotion Bars in 1 Day Learn how To Make you DIY Lotion Bars in 1 Day and Use Them for Healthy Skin, Beauty and Gifts by Hollie Thompson

Lotion Bars in 1 Day Learn how To Make you DIY Lotion Bars in 1 Day and Use Them for Healthy Skin, Beauty and Gifts by Hollie Thompson a wonderfu
l ebook about the creation of Bars. The first one I saw one of them, I was 6 years I was at Rome and some cousins presented me that. To me it was a novelty. It was a precious gift for sure. We used lotion bars but simply we bought it, and we still buy it (I sell them telling to you the truth and they are wonderful). Recently the children of my cousin Irene launched themselves in this adventure, creating wagons of lotion bars of all possible shapes. So: what is this about this hobby, activity and why can it be important?
Well, let me add this: every creative activity is great, plus, it works also when you plant some veggies in your garden, you know what you will put in your lotion bars.
Lotion bars are nice because they are portable everywhere. Trip, distant or close; you can add any kind of scent, from lavender to chocolate passing through arnica and menthol. You must understand your own exigencies. If it's just for fun or for also, for curing some physical disturb, for repelling bugs, for calming your nerves (see at the voice: lavender.)
This ebook and Hollie will guide you through important steps: what you need for the creation of your Lotion Bars, including many delicious "recipes" for sunny, funny, absolutely stunning lotion bars.

Highly recommended.

I thank Hollie Thnposon and LibraryThing for the copy of this book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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