Sunday, November 10, 2019

Mon Carnet de défis pour un année Zéro Déchet Zéro Dechet Pas a Pas by Monica Da Silva

Mon Carnet de défis pour un année Zéro Déchet Zéro Dechet Pas a Pas by Monica Da Silva is a book by Leduc where you can follow these warriors who have also created a Facebook group inspired by this book and where you will enter using the QR in the ebook. Once you will join it, you will be invited of interacting pretty much with the rest of members telling and sharing your experiences and proposing new ideas.
Each week these ebook will propose you a strategy of action for reducing, drastically reducing garbage, junk, all that unnecessary stuff that we often see around in your house. What do do with them? Of course you can just throwing away what unnecessary, but you can also consider the strategy of the four boxes as illustrated very well in the book: " Faites
un tri que vous allez classer dans 4 cartons : à garder (les objets ou souvenirs que vous n’utilisez plus mais que vous ne vous sentez pas encore prêt à laisser partir), à vendre, à donner, à jeter."
A good work should be done also in the kitchen, where it is always better to prefer ceramic at plastic.
But it's not just this: it's also the perfect pianification of your menu, what to eat because "la planification des menus permet d’optimiser son temps et surtout d’éviter le gaspillage alimentaire." 
It will be indispensible to using products in grade of being re-used for other dishes also for not throwing them away and for saving. will permit you of buying food still good at a very cheap price; you shouldn't avoid of preparing with fruits and other seasonal legumes some jars for enjoying the food during the rest of the year.
Do you want to save money also for cleaning your house? No problem; you will learn how to use: "vinaigre blanc, bicarbonate de soude, percarbonate de soude, cristaux de soude, acide citrique, savon noir et savon de Marseille."
In this way you will also help the Planet.
Vinaigre blanc c'est tres bon, ops, it's very good for cleaning the bathroom but also your electric coffee machine. There are many tips and advice for wagons of other voices, so that you can save money and at the same time you can keep economically "cleaned" your house from excesses.
An intelligent book, I guess a good blog.

Enjoy this ebook, indispensible for everyone.

I thank Leduc Editions for this ebook.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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