Friday, July 05, 2019

Happy Birthday! by Mamoru Suzuki

Happy Birthday!
by Mamoru Suzuki is a tender childrens book by Museyon dedicated to the most special holiday that each person has: the birthday. Maybe sometimes we are distracted and we don't understand the meaning of that festivity all taken by our busy life. We send a distracted happy birthday but the day of the birth of a person is special and if we do care, we should celebrate, because during that day someone special became a member of this world with all the problems, sufferances, joys and happiness that offers.
The description of the arrival of this baby is tender and poetic. A childrens book that I would want to suggest to all children and...Parents.

Illustrations are cute, beautiful and extremely friendly. Your kid will adore it and considering the topic, this childrens book could be a first start for let understand to your children, if not too little, the meaning of love, desire of a family and sex.

Highly recommended.

I thank Museyon for this ebook.

Anna Maria Polidori

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