Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Giraffe Asks for Help by Nyasha Chicowore Illustrated by Janet McDonnell

Asking for help is incredibly important; when we are little, but also once grown-ups. This, the main message spread by the children's book Giraffe Asks
for Help by Nyasha Chicowore Illustrated by Janet McDonnell.
Illustrations are superbly amicable, friendly and warm, so children and adults will feel that they are cuddle by nice characters while they are reading this story, accompanied by a warm atmosphere and positive vibes. It pays a lot; children are empatic and it's important to transmit at any level, illustrations and dialogue the idea of being welcomed into the story. It was a long long time I didn't see so sunny characters, with beautiful facial expressions, wonderful smiles as the ones I have seen here.  
The story: Gary is a little giraffe. It's his birthday, the 6th one and he is thrilled because he imagines that at this age he can tries to eat the leaves also from the tallest tree of the savana. Everyone wish him a happy and joyous birthday and Gary is happy of all these attention from the elephant, the lion and so on: he is thrilled and joyous. Just...He can't still reach the tallest leaves in the big tree. He tries in every possible ways but he fails, till when someone suggest him of asking for some help. When he asks for some help everyone is more than happy to realize Gary's dream so that, although not yet sufficiently tall as he should be for eating that leaves, he will reach them thanks to the help of his friends and that leaves will be wonderfully delicious.
Help, asking and receiving help is an important thematic. 
Asking for help means like that a kid is not in grade to do something and so maybe it can be seen as a signal of weakness but...Is it always in that way? Sometimes asking for help means also to interact much more with friends, understanding also their point of view, how a problem can be sorted out seeing and lived it also differently thanks to a second or third perspective given by a friend.
How much your children ask for help? How much autonomous are they? What could be done much better by your children if they would ask for some help?
Your kids, if they will ask for help, will become emphatic people, someone in grade also of giving help when other kids are in difficulty, increasing their altruism.
Help is better than anything else, the message of this powerful children's book published by Magination Press book imprint of the American Psychological Association.

Highly recommended to everyone; illustrations are so warm and tender, characters so sunny and wonderfully friendly that I know that you will adore this book and if you are a kid you will read it dozens of times because you won't want to leave Gary and Company and their beautiful life.
I want to add that the story has been humanized, so Gary although a giraffe lives in a house with plants and flowers; he has books and sisters playing with various different dolls. 
Oh, I know that you'll love these characters!

I thank Eurospean for the physical copy of this book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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