Saturday, February 24, 2018

Dreaming with God A Bold Call to Step Out and Follow God's Lead by Sarah Beth Marr

I admit that when I received four days ago Dreaming with God A Bold Call to Step Out and Follow God's Lead by Sarah Beth Marr I was captivated not just by a wonderful cover but by the grace in which the book is immerse in thanks to the inspiring words of the author.

A grace presented by ballet.
Precision, elegance, class, measure, there is not another art in grade to gives more profound sensations using the body than classical ballet.

When you observe a ballerina or a ballerina you will always notice that there is a radiant calm on his/her face, a happiness and a grace difficult to find somewhere else.

This book is about expectations, dreams, a strong relationship with God seeing as the leader of the existence and determination to reach your goals.

Not only: the author will explore that dreams fallen apart and never realized by God, because that ones hadn't to be part of His project for you, but a way for learning and growing up like also the various changing in the life in grade to redefine the existence of the individual.

Every chapter  contains a questions and answer section for trying to define your dreaming perplexities, what you really want, what you desire, and to give expression to your personality and your life's projects.

Highly recommended.

I thank Baker Books Bloggers for the physical copy of this book.

Anna Maria Polidori

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