Wednesday, April 05, 2023

Mondes Invisibles Cahier Herne

It's intriguing, it's revealing. It's a cahier, this latest one by L'Herne that it is indispensible for the perfect knowledge of an attracting topics like the invisible worlds are.

Mondes Invisibles   is the title of the latest cahier by L'Herne, dedicated to the worlds that we can't touch or see but that exist.

Hidden worlds that, for a reason or another one attract the human mind so badly. Maybe because, yes, we can't explain every aspect of our existence with rationality.

Divided in four sections, in the first one, Voir et E

ntendre l'au-delà, we read on Musset, with Tom Fisher: we enter in the mystères alchemiques de Notre-Dame de Paris seen thanks to the perspective by Hugo: with Nicolas Aude we will discover Dostoievski and spiritism: intriguing the chapter by Christine Bergé Fontomes d'Alcoves, esprits cathodiques, while Dom Calmet will guide us in the reign of vampires.

The second section Sciences and Parasciences will propose a written page inedit till now by Conan Doyle, Le Détective de l'Avenir, but also what meant to Sigmund Freud the occulte, like also the roles of astrologers, or animal magnetism: the hands won't have any more mysteries. Taken in consideration in a chapter the lines of the hand by Dumas.

The third section Esotérism, symbologie, magie, will let us discover the mondes invisibles de Camille Flammarion, Stella Louis will write on the origin of the most famous vampire: Dracula: a contribute called La Nuit by Camille Flammarion, the section doesn't forget Cagliostro, Balzac and the cabalistic accents. 

The final part Mystères individuals et collectifs analyzes the departure of duc d'Orleans anticipated by Nostradamus, Nostradamus returns to be treated thanks to Bareste: particularly interesting the chapter by Laure Darcq on Josephine Péladan and her "rendre visible l'invisible."

Plenty of fascination and curiosity, grab your copy and make a splash in the...unknown!

Oh, I tried the scansion via qr code, curious to see an expanded reality and a creation. I installed Artivive, that sounds a great software for the qr code, but, till now I haven't been lucky enough. I hope you'll be more than me.

Highly recommended book!

Anna Maria Polidori 

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