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Saturday, January 30, 2021

Scavengers of Beauty by Philippe Sibaud

 Scavengers of Beauty

by Philippe Sibaud is an unconventional book on Moon and its symbolism. Starting from his personal experience, a taxi taken somewhere and the chat with the cabdriver, Sibaud, started to be attracted by these thematic.

The book examines the symbolism that there is in our existence modelled thanks to the Moon. It is implied that the sun and the Moon bring with them several messages as also remarked Campbell in his solarization. In this book comparisons between sun and moon symbolism mixed with some most beloved greek myths will appear often. Original, divided in chapters, and parts, written with a captivating style, trust me when I tell you this: you won't never look at Moon in the same way!


I thank John Hunt Publishing for the physical copy of the book

Anna Maria Polidori

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