200 Book Reviews Frequently Auto-Approved 2016 NetGalley Challenge Reviews Published Professional Reader

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Donna Brigantia e altre Storie by Rocco Familiari

 If you love short stories of peculiar places Donna

Brigantia e altre Storie by Rocco Familiari is your book! A book that you must read!

These stories are set in a little town located in Calabria and they report, tell, the characteristics and adventures of the most "importants" for diversified reasons, citizens. 

One of the peculiarities of these people? Nicknames, so that people could recognize immediately the other one; nicknames born because of some particular treats of their characters, but also because of physical aspects, characteristics sometimes funny, like the man with a good, mmm, let's put the things in this terms, package, or Cicciobello, a neckless man with the passion for pronstitutes. There is Donna Brigantia, a lady who made several children with her husband, because bastards not admitted, but that if she found a man attractive, they had a restaurant, she didn't hesitate. There is, always in Donna Brigantia the idea of the possession of the land and the fear of killing someone because they didn't respect the order given of going away. There is Tirebouchon, latin-lover, dead paradoxically while he was opening a bottle of champagne. This book tell stories of people in the immediate post second world war and offers a variety of characters that will enchant you. You can read the book following the sequentiality of the stories, or jumping here and there going at the discovery of new adventures, nicknames and colored characters!

Highly recommended

I thank Marsilio for the physical copy of the book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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