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Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Le Second Métier de l'écrivain by Colette

 Le Second Métier de l'écrivain by Colette

published by L'Editions de L'Herne focus the attention in a new phaenomenon appeared in France as also in other parts of the world with the advent of the XX century: publicity and ads.

Most societies, brands, for selling more, for let know their products at a largest population, established contacts with reporters, journalists, writers, asking to them of writing good reviews. The idea: reaching as many people as possible. 

It was a paid job, le second métier de l'ècrivan, voilà! and of course Colette, one of the most known and beloved french writers who wrote mainly for female magazines was involved in this fertil and productive activity pretty intensely.

She wrote with passion: she didn't just wanted to "sell" the products, but she wanted to leave a piece of herself for her readers, sharing memories, sensorialities, experiences, creating in these pieces, wonderful and felt expressions of pure adoration for the product she was writing of.

Colette created also a brand with her same name founded on 1932 and the author cured all the aspects of the publicity. 

Many perfumes have been reviewed by Colette, like Parfum d'Orsay, Lanvin, Raucour and more. Colette explained the magic of the perfume in the various part of the bodies and how the nostrils can be invaded by wonderful and absolutely stunning fragrances for building memories, and unique moments in the existence of people.

Everything changes says in a piece, the one of d'Orsay, Colette, including Parfums. Colette confesses she used the same parfum for more than 40 years. What was exactly a perfume for Colette? "Les plus indispensable del superflus". Why this? Because a perfume starts a pure physical poetry. Perfumes are a noble caprice, a voluptous touch, they add romantic notes to our daily existences.

Speaking about fashion these ones some of her words regarding Hermes. Hermes was in grade to read the Parisienne lady, disconnecting her from her fragilities althought there is a peculiar strenght in grade of donating to them a lot of grace.

Hermés means patience, Hermés means perfection and Colette asks to women of imitating the same philosophy of the exclusive branch maturing its same patience. Brands are also viewed by Colette with human, inspiring  characteristics.

For the Grand Maison de Blanc Colette starts describing a morning with all its sweetnesses: bread, honey, milk but also the vapour of boiling chocolate: early morning, for all the creatives, for all that people looking at the new and still uncertain day with expectations and dreams; but also her women, her elegant readers 42 kilos, a hat, asks Colette don't suffer of indigestion while they are reading? What a wonderful elegant table the one Colette imagines for a sophisticated, elegant evening where every detail are perfects. Writing about La Galerie Lafayette. Colette notices a diversified exposition where women resuscitated one of the most characteristic silhuettes like high breasts, long legs, a body freedom also expression of the fruits of love; women with the desire of    following their destiny.

Colette presents often the idea of a lady in love not just with elegance but also with the pleasures of the existence, like also some good glasses of wine, some warm beverages enriched with cinnamon. 

Colette was also the testimonial of Lucky Strikes! a brand of cigarettes!

Beautiful and inspiring book!

I thank L'Editions de l'Herne for the physical copy of the book.

Anna Maria Polidori 


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