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Friday, January 01, 2021

Cadeaux de Noel by Colette

 Cadeaux de Noel by

Colette is a book published by L'Editions de l'Herne about the writings of the beloved french writer and journalist regarding her Christmases, but also the New Years.

Colette collaborated mainly with magazines for women, like Marie Claire, Elle. 

In these writings we see the author analyzing several aspects, all pretty different of her past Christmases, what happened during that special moment of the year with reflections about the current events and remembering what it was. Sometimes critical with her little village where she was born in, Colette's memories of that old times will follow and mark her existence. The church, was seen for example during a difficult year like the 1915, during the first World War, when the village of course lost a lot of its sparkle, still alive and lived by people. There were ruins everywhere, the town was destroyed  also the little library and everything after all was improvised for giving anyway a feast in the school room.

The children during the war had lost everything in particular if poor; dolls, chocolate, oranges received in general during every Christmas years: that moment of conviviality under many ways was special, peaceful. Everyone rediscovered the meaning of Christmas, while outside there was hell.

There are other descriptions of more relaxing Christmases when Colette notices the sky plenty of stars while the church was devoted at its rites: she remembers the good smell of warm bread.

Colette in another writing reveals that someone suggested her of writing some books for children, but she doesn't want to do that. She still remembers, she adds, the children's literature with which she grew up; most of them are famous books and they are still in the market! but she doesn't know if this market would be for her; would Colette be in grade to do that? Simply, she doesn't want to write it. She doesn't know also how could be received in the market a children's book written by her.

Colette wasn't born in a rich family, and her mother Sido, one of the central characters of her writings didn't believe at all at the existence of God. Anyway Colette was baptized and she attended the masses during the Christmas Time.

She lived in a small town called Saint-Sauver-en-Puisaye. Her childhood wasn't at all rich but pretty poor; with her mother loved to enjoy their garden and flowers during the winter-time. A bouquet of roses blooming in Christmas was always central on their table, like  the arrival of snow, fresh weather, but also changes of society as Colette remarked, pretty upset in her writing of 1920. War was over like also the pandemic flu in great measure (virus circulated till 1923) and society changed. Again. She was severe with children, because they were asking for too expensive toys, and were not happy for what they had, complaining and remarking that, when she was little, her Christmases were more modest but not for this reasons less felt and that this change couldn't bring anything good at all. 

Also New Years are lived by Colette with intensity: in her village the new year was lived not just with curiosity but with attendance that it is plenty of mistery. All the world wait the new year for something different, isn't it true? and each person has great expectations and is plenty of wishes and desires that would want to realize.

Colette oberves also that the magical event, plenty of expectations and that keep all the humanity like suspended for a day of wishes, and prayers and expectations, passes after all, if it wouldn't be the first day of the year like a common one. But no: the first of the year is magical. Colette was fascinated by the circularity of the time: with the arrival of the new year the time re-starts its inner circularity, with four seasons, in spring geranium are in bloom, in fall a wonderful absolutely stunning fragrance, in winter plenty of snow reflected magically in the sun. 

Wars, both of them brought not just unhappiness but also a suspension of what it means a big and good, and happy celebration of Christmases and New Year. It is pretty understandable, it happened this year to all of us because of the pandemic flu.

With the time, Colette developed this healthy attitude with the arrival of the New Year, that can be a good advice for all of us: re-start, not repeat! Recommencer et non repétér. 

Colette found in his childhood the strenght, for every regeneration and re-birth thanks to her Christmases and New Years. 

Once she wrote that to her point of view there is not a moment where we can't discover something new but that everyday is a new discovery. The world is new, she said, everyday she got up, and she would have always preserved a positive, open and happy attitude till at the moment of her departure. 

Beautiful and inspiring book, highly recommended.

And may all your days be new beginnings.

I thank L'Editions de L'Herne for the physical copy of the book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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