Sunday, May 05, 2024

Alfred Nobel Inconnu Celebre by Jean-Francois Battail

 Alfred Nobel Inconnu Célèbre

by Jean-Francois Battail is a book released by Sorbonne Press. I picked up this title because attracted by the idea of discovering more on Nobel considering the importance of that prize. 

I didn't know that he helped the gun industry with the creation of dynamite and so on. 

Alfred was born in Sweden: his father had failed, and they were poor when he was born but then his parent moved in Russia, Saint Persburg, where the family stayed at long and where little Alfred learnt english, russian, french and german fluently. Thanks to private lessons he learnt chemistry, literature. He was obsessed by Byron and Shelley. He adored these two authors so badly.

He also loved to write and had a decent library. 

Once returned to Sweden started a project for developing  the explosive with his brothers, but Emil the youngest one lost his existence because of it and his father never recovered anymore because of the departure of Alfred's brother.

Romantically he wasn't a man too obsessed by women. 

He had a relationship with a girl when 18 but this girl died when he studied chemistry in Paris. Then he met another woman who anyway was in love with someone else (he had found this lady thanks to a curious ad he had posted somewhere) and also his latest love was delusional.

A book that wants to speak of Alfred Nobel and the legacy he left to the world. He lived a contradictory exsistence affirming he was against wars, although was attracted, promoted and developed guns, bombs, in great to cause destruction during a war.

Beauty the fresco of Sweden given by Battail.

Recommended for sure.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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