Friday, May 12, 2023

Le Tour du Monde en 80 Textes (ou presque) by Mario Vargas Llosa

 Splendid book this one by Mario Vargas Llosa Le Tour du Monde

en 80 Textes (ou presque) published by Editions L'Herne.

Llosa, avid traveller, a dimension experienced since he was little, examines and remembers the most beautiful and iconic places of this world for a reasons or another visited or re-visited with considerations on life, death, and what there is in the between. The Carnival of Oruro, Bolivia, the best one, where the biggest lie, the one of happiness becomes true. He doesn't forget cemeteries, places, houses, where we will stay longer than not maybe the time spent in this life.

Libraries: the reading room of the British Museum the most impressive one; others not too comfy for studying or reading at long, or confused and dispersive. New York and its multiculturalism that it is the most important and remarkable story: its biggest limit? The past never existed and the future waited so badly. Rome described romantically when the writer afforded there with the first wife and substantially pennieless, but also a visit at the house of Borges, a humble writer  in a house with a decent library but without any of his books.

Dublin, that remains the exact portrait of the city described by James Joyce in his books where the first consideration popping up is: preserved by the time.The modest house of Dostoievski in the perspective Kuznechny, where he spent years with a wife devoted to him and in grade to re-put the existence of the beloved writer in the correct direction, but also the photographic exposition dedicated to Marcel Proust at the Biblioteque Nationale...If you love travelling but you can't, if simply you want to understand the world, if you want a quick, view of this old world in a few chapters,  this book is for you!

You'll love it. Trust me!

Highly recommended.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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