Monday, June 14, 2021

Pandemic 2 Chronicles of a Lost Time by Slavoj Zizek

 Pandemic 2 Chronicles

of a Lost Time by Slavoj Zizek treats the advent not anymore new of the pandemic and its implications in the social life of people. Lockdowns brought the humanity in a different state, where personal freedom was/is drastically reduced, with a lot of collateral effects; it is also a book that wants to re-think the idea of future or what it will be; maybe we will stay more closed in our houses; maybe more dependant by ourselves for everything and with less human interactions because as Zizek tells at some point, we all learnt that maybe this one is not a pandemic-story of months but maybe years. Years in which our patience, our health system, our psychology must stay strong. At the same time the economical system must be re-thought, because a pandemic means with its arrival more poverty.

Wonderful little book plenty of fascination, analysis, and truths.

Highly recommended.

I thank Polity for the physical copy of the book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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