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Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Il Pozzo by Regina Ezera

 Il Pozzo

by Regina Ezera is a book of the Baltic literature, one of the most important ones.

I am so sorry for the delay with Iperborea. I had put aside this book and read these days. It is an absorbing reading, plenty of profound reflections on the little human acts in a daily base, analyzed viscerally. Characters are like trapped in their own role ad "curses" if we want to use this expression. Virtual cages built for due, for social reasons.

And, again, this one is also a story of women after all, and children. 

The story starts when a doctor from Riga, Rudolf decides to go to a vacation in a countryside renting a little boat for fishing. It's there, at first that he will meet Laura the owner of the boat. Laura is the mother of two children, and lives in the house with the mother of her husband and the sister-in-law.

The house where these ladies live is not healthy; very cold in the winter-time, populated by mices, her children fall sick pretty often.

Rudolf is there for experience again the beauty of freedom. The possibility of cooking, fishing, in complete relaxation.

Slowly, we see that the friendship between Laura and Rudolf, made by silences and things not said will substantially grow; Laura at the same time is trapped in the domesticity by the act committed by her husband: he killed a man and now he is in jail. Laura suffered for the situation, for the chats of the rest of the population, and because he doesn't have anymore the companion of her existence close to her. 

A disgrace, this one, that changed the destiny and events for the entire family...

A beautiful book, perfect for your summer! 

I thank Iperborea for the physical copy of the book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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