Tuesday, June 01, 2021

A Life, by Simone Veil translated by Tamsin Black

An immense book A Life,

by Simone Veil translated by Tamsin Black excellently well and published by Haus Publishing.

The beloved french politician tells her entire story in this book.

From the serene, peaceful, happy existence with her parents and siblings, till at the arrival of Nazis and following deportation.

When they escaped to Nice, the only consolation was that when they arrived in the french riviera the power was in the hands of italians and italians didn't want to cause any stress to the jewish community, and they were treated very well. Her mother, her father, and brother died in the camp; survived, this lady studied law and political science. With the time she became Minister of the government of Jacques Chirac; with her there was the legalization of abortion in France.

Veil became also the first President of the European Parliament, later returning in the french government with the role of minister for social affairs.

A stunning character, a strong personality, someone who made of her life a beautiful existence and an example for everyone.

As President Macron remarked "Simone Veil is the best of what France can achieve."

Highly recommended!

I thank Haus Publishing for the physical copy of the book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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