Wednesday, March 24, 2021

What IF. Turning your IFs into it IS! A 90 Days Journal by Jacqueline Pirtle

 When I opened this book I found an extreme lightness and the heaviness of the existence was over. Yes because it is mentally possible to remove all the chains, all the NOS, all the negatitivies that with the time we develope consciously or unconsciously thanks to this journal.

Yes! This one is another extremely powerful journal that you must absolutely buy, if you are feeling down, demotivated, sorry for yourself simply works!

What IF. Turning your IFs into it IS! A 90 Days Journal

by Jacqueline Pirtle will stimulate your self to act for building your own dreams.

Jacqueline wants to let you think: "Have your every wondered what if this or that would change, be, or happen---how different it all would be for you?" 

We visualize continuously our future, and what we see is a land of opportunities and expectations. That dreaming existence you see in your dreams shouldn't remain just a desolate land of broken dreams, but the concretization of your existence. An existence well-lived, plenty of satisfaction is for sure more happy than the one of someone frustrated by a poor existence or without a lot of gratifications. 


It's the second case that of course we take in consideration: the person who can't help herself all alone; that one who can't be in grade to see the light after the tunnel, because maybe she doesn't have close to her good people, friends, a partner in grade to see in her special qualities, or simply, because all the people close to her can't be helpful for the purpose.

Jacqueline will be in grade. She is the best guidance that you can find around and... a great motivator!

This journal is for all these people who need an extra-encouragment,  for rediscovering their own precious light, after the dark tunnel created rapidly by a gray existence. 

It is called: the missing link. Someone once presented me a book of poetry called: Missing Link saying  me: read it, you'll find the answer. 

There are in every existences some missing links. 

Sometimes we must find answers, focusing on that missing link: when you don't help yourself positively, you will live in a constant staticity because you'll live in fear. You'll develop fear for and of everything: that perfid inner voice will suggest that you won't be enough to yourself, or simply, it won't never happen that to you and will continue adding that it is not possible for you. You give up; you procrastinate, your lack of confidence will create a spiral that like an ivy will suffocate you and your creative self.

You won't be happy, you will live a frustrated existence because you are not developing your true self and your real existence; you become with the time just the pale idea of who you were.

In this journal you will find reason for meditate; answer these questions and you will return to bloom, understanding where you should re-direct your existence with strength.

Some examples of the powerful questions you'll find?

What if you would live your full power? What if you would go for what you want? 

What if you would smile more? What if you would say what you need very loud and clear? What if you would not be afraid of anything? What if you would let go of all your unfitting and old beliefs? 

What if you would make your happiness a priority? 

What if you drink enough water? WHAT IF YOU DREAM BIGGER?

What if you would become best friends with all your physical and emotional symptoms; your problems, issues, hardships, and traumas?

Many more What ifs questions to answer, of course, for setting yourself free, returning to be your old self; enthusiastic of your existence, your folk and your dreams. Because without dreams we wouldn't exist and dreams have a big potentiality: they can become reality.

So: give to yourself this chance: buy this book, send to hell all the negativities you have around and start a successful trip for yourself, your body, your mind, your soul, your creativity and dreams!

Highly recommended.

I thank Jacqueline Printle for the copy of the book!

Anna Maria Polidori 

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