Tuesday, March 16, 2021

La Palestra dell'Autostima by Gabrielle Fellus

 La Palestra

dell'Autostima by Gabrielle Fellus book released by Marsilio, offer advices for restore people's self-esteem.

In most cases ugly, horrible, insensitive, cruel people steal the beauty of people and their being, reducing them at the pale existence of who they were.

In what way? Humiliating, removing the dignity that the person should have and denigrating them.

In most cases these horrible experiences are lived in a workplace: there is the boss "barking" continously against a certain worker; but also the boss abusing of a girl or children tormenting  other contemporaries because they think that that ones are the weakest part.

These people treated bad don't receive the sufficient respect that it is one of the main keys and value of a healthy and solid society.

A person who lived traumatic experience won't believe anymore at the possibility of affirming herself/himself, sometimes not being in grade of living at all a satisfying existence.

This one is a precious book for all that people who must sort out traumas of various genre, trying to resolve most of them.

The beauty of the book is also the fact that these examples are not theoric, but taken by reality and people followed by Gabrielle restored at the end their dignity, re-affirming themselves with their character, passions, and vitality. At work, at home, wherever dignity was destroyed by horrible people.

For every person in need of help!

 Highly recommended.

I thank Marsilio for the physical copy of this book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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