Friday, March 19, 2021

365 Days of Happiness Because Happiness is a Piece of Cake The Companion Journal Workbook to 365 Days of Happiness

 365 Days of Happiness Because Happiness is a Piece of Cake by Jacqueline Pirtle becomes a Journal! Hooooray!

Precisely...The Companion Journal Workbook to 365 Days of Happiness.

This one is another amazing tool promising a step-by-step guide to being happy in a daily base.

I was bewitched by this book when I first read and reviewed it.

It is amazingly encouraging and it is a book for every day of the year! Tips, advices suggestions for being more happy or just for create your own corner of happiness in a world in turmoil. 

I keep my copy of the book constantly close to me so that I can find inspiration, complaining less and being much more stimulated positively.

A radiant existence is the best thing that we must want!

So, more than in the past,  this journal, born thanks to the inspiration of a previous, fantastic book is indispensible for "tracking" your path to a satisfactory happiness. 

Happiness doesn't happen: it is a state of mind, exactly like the one of a depressing, sad person complaining continously that things go wrong and this world  is ugly.

Chosing to see the other side of the barricade, opening your heart, your soul, your mind to new possibilities, freshness, beautiful moments just for you or your family is the most powerful decision and the best one that you can take! For your health, your mental system and for your body, mind, soul.

Jacqueline in his daily journal entries will offer you a lot to think.

Start to understant what make you happy: dancing, reading...Have you ever thought at your personal recipe for a happy existence?

Let's speak of freedom. What does freedom means to you? How do you want to realize this important step for your existence?

Write down a wish list!

Do you remember the movie by Frank Capra It's a Wonderful Life! with James Stewart?

Clarence saved George Bailey from his proposal of killing himself letting him show what would have happened to the existences of the other people close to him, if he wouldn't never existed. Have you ever thought at the impact of your existence in your family, your co-workers, or friends?

What is imagination for you? It's in general the origin of creation. 

Why also not writing down a letter to yourself?

Are you happy right now? What are you missing so badly? Where do you love to go to walk? What kind of scenario do you prefer? Sea, mountain, lake...

Do you tend to follow your heart? You should because your hearts has answers that you don't know.

I have a friend who sells gems and crystals. Imagine to be in a store like that one; in search of answers, but also in search of yourself. Focus on a gem and imagine that YOU are that gem. Imagine your day: the one of a gem!

Prepare an angel list! and be thankful!

Do you like drama movies? Your feelings after that you watched one of them?

Do you love to sharing?

It happens sometimes. You work at a creative project and glitters goes here and there and they illuminate your room!

Starting from glitters, how do you illuminate your day?

Decisions you wouldn't want to take anymore?

Color a gray day! What kind of strategy will you adopt? Colored pullovers? Lightning some perfumed candles or an incense, reading, watching a movie, drinking some hot chocolate?

Hearts: imagine the signs of them everywhere: what will you write down about these hearts that you met along your way, at work, while driving. When my father died I found two stones with the shape of two hearts, real hearts, anatomic ones: they appeared separately.

To me it was a sign that my father is with us, love us, encouraging us and I will keep them forever.

Imagine that one day  you donate a smile and a flower 🌸 to someone else. Would you be happy?

Imagine a warm blanket. You are touching it. Can you describe your feelings?

Do you love gardens? Have you every imagined your peferct garden? People, animals, flowers that would be there?

You are a tree. Can you describe your feelings?

What means to you generosity?

Many exercises of visualizations and situations for reflecting on your own happiness! This journal will keep you busy, if you want, it's an exercise per day, but if it's indispensible, use this journal a lot so that you can re-discover the proper meaning of joy and happiness re-trasforming your existence for better!

Another stunning tool for everyone, arrived in a heavy moment, and fur this treason much much more important for all of us.

Jacqueline Printle remains the best one! 

Highly recommended.

I thank Jacqueline for the copy of the book.

Anna Maria Polidori

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