Saturday, October 03, 2020

Cose da Ragazze Una guida Gioiosa alla Pubertà by Nina Brochmann and Ellen Stokken Dahl

 Cose da Ragazze Una g

uida Gioiosa alla Pubertà by Nina Brochmann and Ellen Stokken Dahl is the most wonderful book I have ever read about puberty. 

Nothing is left apart and the book is pretty clear in every aspect, from the knowledge of the body with all the mutations of the case, passing through menstruations and what kind of tampons, external or internal to use, passing through genre and possibility of loving people of the same sex. It is taken in consideration the third genre as well and children, is explained, sometimes are also born in couples of the same sex, single mothers, thanks to special treatments.

What is love, what is sex, what it means becoming pregnant, and what it is a sexual act; masturbation, sexual violence, why it is important denouncing it, the internet and naked pictures, what to do; pre-mestrual syndrome and how to avoid it; menstruations and their periodicity; gym during "that days" and more, in a fresh, educative, explicative book that won't never let you feel alone or misunderstood.

Highly recommended!

I thank Marsilio for the physical copy of this book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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