Monday, December 16, 2019

Crowley The White Labrador Saga by Shirley Reeves

Crowley The White Labrador Saga
by Shirley Reeves is a moving short tale about the misadvantures experienced by a labrador puppy adopted by a terrible, horrible family.
Crowley lived in a loving family with wonderful siblings, in an harmonic environment; everything changed with the arrival of this new family and their desire of adopting a puppy. No one of course when give in adoption a puppy knows in which hands end up the puppy. Sometimes in adoring families in need of a new puppy for the most diversified reasons; sometimes in a nightmare-family as it happened for Crowley. 
 Without any kind of compassion for the little puppy he was left alone, starved and lived in poor conditions. Crowley's main strenght the arrival of a lot of animal friends, in grade of giving him the best advice. Once he discovered that the new horrible family had decided of selling him to another guy the idea of escaping away for good was his main resolution.

Beautiful, I loved this tale because of the happy end and because thanks to friendship Crowley will reach his oldest family. Help and friendship are a message extremely important in this book.

Anna Maria Polidori 

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