Monday, December 23, 2019

A year in Books and Cosmetics

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all the publishing houses, authors, with which I collaborated this year but also to the ones of the new year. 

I want to share with you the intensity of a year that has been pretty different from all the other ones. 

On February, I lost my dial-up connection: the work of editing speaking about reviews and articles became pretty stressing. At first, I needed to pass the pieces on a flash drive, after written, then on the netbook connected with the smartphone; then the real editing. A long process. I still edit and send and check messages via smart phone with a window open and during the winter-time is not a joke. 

I found this phase at first stressing then like for all the rest of things, I started to be conscious that this one was my new reality.
I haven't  been yet in grade of sorting  out the problem of the dial-up connection so I am still working with my smart phone (using a lot of vitamins for de-stressing eyes.)

So, if you don't hear from me often as in the past, if you received weird e-mails  where I attached pictures of books preferring this way of communication instead of writing titles and so on, you know the reason. Some publishing houses understood the human case and they accept this modality. With the rest I try to download book covers pics of the titles I want to review via smartphone, preparing e-mails using my pc and then putting them in the smartphone for being sent.

My writings didn't put food on the table and I was tired of it; I love my sector, writing is great just it doesn't pay, and so I started to selling Yves Rocher Cosmetics with great success. 

I am proud of working for Yves Rocher. It's french, and I adore it. 

It's thank to the bookshop of Shakespeare and Company, 100 years this year, let's celebrate! That I rediscovered French language: reviewing various books published by several authors I re-started to be curious of french language. I thought that once and for many years, seven in total I studied french; I had also a private teacher because at the high school I didn't sound great in french. So I learnt more than a common student. It was time to see what was going on in this sense. Was french  forgotten and buried? 
Of course I decided that for re-starting nothing could be more good than a book. 

I thank in this case Laurent Allen-Caron journalist of France 2. I told him I was a reporter interested in re-learning his language. He gave me trust, and voilà! I received a copy of Le Mystere Lagerfeld, a wonderful, stunning biography of the mysterious, fascinating Lagerfeld; Laurent wrote the book last year after the departure of the beloved creative. I read it so quickly that I was scared of myself, because I was understanding the most. Laurent is so intense, so vivid in the description of Lagerfeld; at a certain point you "feel" the same soul of Lagerfeld staying close to you, while his story is told magnificiently well.

Why did I put this language in a corner?
Substantially because I started to learn english, and second because I experienced a nasty crrespondence when I was 14. Traumatized, as I do often, an entire world, became the incarnation of that boy and I didn't want to meet again that kind of people; people who put me down.
I was more than wrong, of course, but you know, I was little, I didn't travel a lot, life went on and I didn't think anymore at the intensity that the knowledge of a language can means for the existence of a person. Reading in a foreign language and not through translated books, maybe one day returning to speak something (I am blocked in the writing,  and speaking is a long process of elaboration of thoughts) is terribly important.

Then thinking that it was more than good what I was doing, reviewing also french books I contacted the publishing house Tallandier, specialized in history books. It was wonderful reviewing books with them. Thank you a lot.

If I will find time I would want to add spanish at this bunch of languages. 

This latest period has been incredibly stressing with a lot of problems, that's why I didn't add any entry: mamma mia... 
Christmas is just around the corner and I know that all the messes will fly away with it.

To everyone, thanks and Happy Holidays from the bottom of my Heart.  

Anna Maria Polidori 

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